St Andrew's has a long-standing reputation as being the ideal church in which to be married, having hosted weddings in Brighton since 1842. With its picturesque park-like surroundings, monumental buildings, entry through giant copper doors, a central aisle of 45 metres, and an imposing grand organ, couples have, for generations, chosen St Andrew's as a place to mark one of their most significant moments.
What makes St Andrew's ideal is its ability to cater for weddings of all sizes. Wedding ceremonies may be held in the main church (seating 500+ people), in the adjoining Pioneer Chapel (seating 80 people), or the Lady Chapel (seating 50 people) for smaller weddings.
Weddings may be held on any day of the week (subject to the availability of the clergy), with Saturday traditionally being the most popular day.
St Andrew's Brighton may only be used for Anglican or other approved Christian services. The clergy of our parish or another Anglican priest conducts the wedding in accordance with the marriage rite of the Anglican Church of Australia. On occasion, other ordained Christian clergy may participate in, or celebrate, the marriage at the discretion and invitation of our Vicar, and otherwise in accordance with Diocesan policy. We would be happy to discuss this further with intending couples and will endeavour to accommodate your wishes where appropriate.
​Unfortunately at the present time it is not possible for marriages between two people of the same sex to take place in Anglican churches. This is a matter of regret for our clergy and community.
As St Andrew's Brighton is a popular church for weddings, it is advisable to make a booking twelve to eighteen months in advance of the proposed wedding date.