Established in 2004, the St Andrew's Music Foundation promotes the playing, development, composing and appreciation of music in the community of Brighton and greatly assists in the vibrant musical life of St Andrew's Brighton.
These are the key objectives of the Foundation:
Establish and maintain choirs, orchestras, bands and other musical groups of any kind;
Hold concerts and stage musical events;
Promote musical education; and
Purchase, lease and maintain musical instruments.
Since 1842, St Andrew's Brighton has keenly maintained the highest standards of music and supported an extensive music program. Over 25 of Australia's finest musicians have served as Organists and Directors of Music at St Andrew's.
The St Andrew's Music Foundation is dedicated to the sustainability and growth of this musical life.
Keep the music playing! More information on the project to restore our War Memorial Grand Organ so that its old analogue operating system is replaced with an up-to-date digital system before the organ ceases to be operative is available here.
The St Andrew's Music Foundation (ABN 33 442 668 780) is maintained under a formal Trust Deed and contributions to this fund are both warmly welcomed and tax-deductible. A tax receipt will be issued, together with the grateful thanks of present and future generations.
Online credit card donations can be made here.
A donation form is available here for cash, EFT and cheque donations.