St Andrew's Choir
Longest Choral Music Tradition in Victoria

The Choir of St Andrew’s Brighton is Victoria's oldest Choir, singing continually since 1842.
Through five different church buildings, thousands of Choristers and over 25 Organists and Directors of Music, the St Andrew's Choir continues to be renowned for the excellence of the music performed each week in worship and in concerts.
Although the St Andrew's Choir consists primarily of Choral Scholars, non-scholar girls and boys, and adult men and women, are welcome to join subject to audition.
The St Andrew's Choir leads the music at our principal service during School Terms (excluding long weekends) and during Holy Week, Advent and Christmas including the immensely popular Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve, presented at St Andrew's annually since 1882.

St Andrew's Choral Scholarships
Does your child have a love and passion for singing?
The St Andrew’s Choir offers a co-educational, collegiate, supportive and nurturing environment for any student wishing to hone and expand their natural singing abilities. With a generous scholarship at either Brighton Grammar (for boys) or Firbank Grammar (for girls), this mixed gender and age choir offers an opportunity to make life-long friendships with like-minded peers. The St Andrew’s Choir partners with the Schools supporting and encouraging a well-rounded and wide-ranging opportunity-based education.
Choristers benefit from improved general musicianship which includes sight reading, aural/ear training and music theory. Regular public performances, which may include solo opportunities, alongside the Choir’s professional vocal musicians and Choir Alumni members further expands Choristers’ choral education. The Choir can also provide pathways for musical journeys through tertiary studies and beyond.
Our boy and girl Choral Scholars (aged between 10 and 18) receive a Choral Scholarship with a remission of school fees. Places are offered through an audition process.
Boys can enter Brighton Grammar School from Year 4 as Choral Scholars moving from the Treble to the Alto, then to the Tenor or Bass sections of the Choir as they get older. Further information about the Choral Scholarships for boys is available from the Brighton Grammar School website -
Girls can enter Firbank Grammar School again from Year 4 as St Andrew's Choral Scholars sing either Soprano or Alto. Further information about the St Andrew's Choral Scholarships for girls is available from the Firbank Grammar School website:
The St Andrew's Choral Scholarships are tenable to Year 12, providing an invaluable continuity and consistency in the Choral Scholars' education - especially for boys as their voices change.
Auditions for Choral Scholarships are held when arranged or in Term One each year for entry into the schools in the following year. The auditions are held at the respective schools with the Director of Music of St Andrew's and Music Staff from the respective schools. Candidates are asked to prepare and perform two contrasting songs and are given aural and sight singing tests.
St Andrew's Brighton - together with Brighton and Firbank Grammar Schools - makes every effort to make Choral Scholarships possible for any boy or girl with the right musical ability.
Details on the Commitment for Choral Scholars can be found here.
For more information please contact us.

Formed in 2015, the St Andrew's Choir Parents Association (SACPA) plays a pivotal role in supporting the St Andrew's Brighton music program including the St Andrew's Choir, Director of Music and the choir parents by encouraging and facilitating:
– events involving the choristers, choir families and the community
– supporting the St Andrew's Music Foundation in fundraising for general and specific items required by the Choir
– involvement by choristers and choir families in the life of the Church

St Andrew's Choir Alumni. The Choir of St Andrew’s Brighton is proud to have a large number of successful alumni who pursue active professional careers in music and the arts, law, medicine, science, education, business, the military and politics.
Established in 2015, the St Andrew's Choir Alumni (SACA) aims to maintain connections with past choristers, the present Choir and the Church.
Members of the Alumni frequently lend their voices to our Choir throughout the year, supporting key festivals or performances.