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Vicar's News - Easter Day 2024

He is risen! Alleluia!

We end a remarkable week with the resurrection of Easter - that of Jesus, and the promise of our own eternal life. In all, 12 services this week including Palm Sunday. A significant effort especially for the choir, Calvin and Mario, and the choir parents who provided sustenance for our choristers. The choir made an outstanding choral contribution to this, the most significant week in the Christian calendar - leading to the most significant event of all time - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Music for Easter Day

8am and 10am

Prelude:      Christ lag in Todesbanden (Christ lay in the bonds of death) BWV 695

J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns:             Processional    Jesus Christ is risen today

Gradual                The day of resurrection

                        Thanksgiving    For the fruits of all creation

                        Post Communion         Jesus lives!

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm:              118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-24; TiS 74

Anthem:          With a voice of singing – Martin Shaw (1875-1958)

Communion:   Come, ye faithful – R.S. Thatcher (1888-1957)

Postlude:     ‘Final’ from Symphonie 1 – Louis Vierne (1870-1937)


Palm Sunday

Last Sunday, Palm Sunday, we began at the memorial cross behind the church for the Liturgy of the Palms, and processed into the church led by the choir.


Holy Tuesday

Tuesday evening we engaged with the depiction of the Stations of the Cross, in art. This was followed by a dinner of fish and chips in the Pioneer Chapel. We were joined by guests from our Classic Residences congregation.


Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday evening, we commemorated the institution of Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, preferring hand washing to feet. Holy Sacrament was reserved in the Lady Chapel overnight for use on Good Friday.

Hear the choir sing 'I give you a new commandment' by Peter Nardone


Good Friday - Walk of Witness

On Good Friday morning, the Brighton Covenant Churches held their Pilgrim Walk of Witness, commencing and ending at St Andrew's. Some 70 people from 8 Brighton churches participated and then enjoyed a well-earned drink and hot cross buns.


Good Friday - Veneration of the Cross

On Friday afternoon we celebrated a service of the veneration of the Cross and antecommunion, using the blessed sacrament which had been reserved in the chapel of repose (Lady Chapel) from the prior evening's Maundy Thursday service.

Hear an excerpt of Avo Pärt's 'Spiegel im Spiegel' during the veneration

Hear the choir sing 'Solus ad victimam'

Hear the choir sing 'The reproaches'.


Good Friday - Tenebrae

On Friday we enjoyed a splendid Tenebrae service with magnificent solos by many members of our choir, after a dinner provided by the choir parents.


Lighting of the New Fire of Easter

On Saturday evening we lit the new fire of Easter, sat Vigil with readings from the Old Testament and then celebrated the first Eucharist of Easter.

Hear the choir sing the anthem- Most glorious Lord of life by Sir William Harris (1883-1973)

Hear the choir sing the motet - Come, ye faithful – R.S. Thatcher (1888-1957)



Congratulations to Betty Liu who has been invited to represent Australia at the global finals of Destination Imagination in May 2024 in Kansas City, Missouri USA. Destination Imagination inspires young people to imagine and innovate today so they become the creative and collaborative leaders of tomorrow. This is the sixth year that Firbank have been asked to represent Australia. Betty's team demonstrated incredible knowledge, skills and commitment to create solutions to the Central Challenges that met the criteria, impressed judges and delighted the audience, The students displayed great maturity as they interacted with the judges, describing their learnings and how they had changed throughout the process. Each team also received high scores in the Instant Challenge round, where they were assessed on their creativity, decision making and teamwork as well as their understanding of gravity, force and the property of materials.

And congratulations to Ian Mence as a Bayside Community Award winner - Senior Citizen of the Year.




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