Register for services this weekend
Good news! From this Friday 11 June worship can resume in the church, but with density limits and a cap on the number of people who can attend any one service at 50.
Please ensure you register your intention to attend Sat@6, Sunday 8am or Sunday 10am this weekend here (calendar may take a few seconds to load)
You will still need to use the QR code on arrival. Please do not attend if you are awaiting test results for Covid-19 or have any cold, flu or fever symptoms (even if only mild).
Concert: Bach Organ Works - Thursday 7 pm!
Watch from the comfort of your home

Dr Calvin Bowman presents a selection of his favourite Bach organ works on the mighty four manual War Memorial Organ at St Andrew’s
Live-stream: Thursday 10 June 2021 – 7:00 pm
Digital Ticket (live-stream): $24
Melbourne Digital Concert Hall Helpline: 1300 994 208
Programme: Johann Sebastian Bach –
Praeludium et Fuga BWV 544
Pastorella in F BWV 590
Fantasia super Christ lag in Todes Banden BWV 695
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr BWV 662
Piéce d’orgue BWV 572