Dear parishioners and friends of St Andrew’s,
Holy Week continues with services for Maundy Thursday at 7pm, and Good Friday at 10am and on Easter Day at 10am. The Maundy Thursday and the Good Friday Services are available now by clicking here or from the front page of our website: We will let you know when the Easter Sunday Service is available. And we have Chinese services as well.

The head of our IT department (me) and my assistant cameraperson (Michelle) have been in the studio (church) preparing for this special three-day feast – the Triuum. I hope you enjoy these acts of worship, with music by Dr Calvin Bowman and Christopher Roache. I will be resting after consuming my Easter egg (briefly seen in the Easter Day service).
It has been a busy week for our movie-star clergy, but our greatest thanks goes to Felicity Stretch who has tirelessly edited the digital footage and created such great videos – you almost feel you are there.

Although we have been busy, it has been an isolating time for many. We are gradually ringing around our parishioners to see how you are coping. If you would like to speak to me before I get to you, then please call me on 0421 321 321.
You can join us for a chat either online or by phone (toll free) every Wednesday at 10.30am -

Thanks too to all those who normally use giving envelopes for dropping these into the parish letterbox outside the office when you are on your walk, or have used the direct deposit or ‘Shout for Good’ facility for credit card and Paypal. We really appreciate your continued donations at this extremely difficult financial time where we have no other source of income at all. Due to the severe financial position during this COVID-19 period, and despite some government promises of additional funding, I am going to be part-time from May because our income is by pledge and donation only at this time, and the Diocese have restricted in our ability to stand down our staff. So all contributions are most gratefully received.
Fr Ian

April TMA Now Available
