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Vicar's News - 8 November 2020

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Sandringham Cenotaph yesterday

On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minutes’ silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation. We will respect this tradition during our Remembrance Day service on Wednesday, commencing at 10.30am in the church.

In Australia and other allied countries, including New Zealand, Canada and the United States, 11 November became known as Armistice Day – a day to remember those who died in World War One. The day continues to be commemorated in allied countries.

After World War Two, the Australian Government agreed to the United Kingdom’s proposal that Armistice Day be renamed Remembrance Day to commemorate those who were killed in both World Wars. Today the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts is commemorated on Remembrance Day.

On the first anniversary of the armistice in 1919, two minutes’ silence was instituted as part of the main commemorative ceremony at the then new cenotaph in London.

Australian journalist Edward Honey proposed the silence. At about the same time, a South African statesman made a similar proposal to the British Cabinet, which endorsed it.

King George V personally requested all the people of the British Empire (as it then was) suspend normal activities for two minutes on the hour of the Armistice 'which stayed the worldwide carnage of the four preceding years and marked the victory of Right and Freedom'. The two minutes' silence was popularly adopted and it remains a central feature of commemorations on Remembrance Day.

Office workers observe 2 minutes silence in thee Lloyds Building in London

(clearly no social distancing that year).


Church worship begins this week

We will recommence services in our church on Wednesday 11 November (Remembrance Day) at 10.30am. There will initially be four services per week:

Wednesday at 10.30am

Saturday at 6pm

Sunday at 8am

Sunday at 10am

Register for the services here

The present mandatory limit is 20 people + one clergy member at each service, but we await with baited breath the announcement by the Premier today regarding further reductions in COVID restrictions and, hopefully, increases in the number who can be present at church services.

Please note that the Sunday 8.30 service has been changed to 8am so that we can have the church cleaned before the 8am service (after Sat@6) and also before the 10am service.

REGISTRATION is necessary due to the restricted numbers and because we have to collect this data for possible contact tracing by the State government in the event that COVID returns.

So please click here, or go to our website – and click on REGISTER here in the big red section:

Then you will be taken to a list of events and below that a calendar:

Then click on the service (they are shown in blue) for which you would like to register, and a short reservation form will appear. You will get an email confirmation. Sorry that we can’t make the calendar nor its print any larger. You may have to magnify it at your end.

Once the limit on attendance is extended to 50 or more, you will be able to book in for the same service on multiple days. Registration is likely to remain necessary throughout 2021 until the COVID restrictions are lifted because, at present, we have to maintain a list of everyone who attends each service (for contact tracing purposes).

Those without the internet, or the courage give this a try, are welcome to ring the Parish Office 03 9592 1240 (the phone is still redirected) and the Vicar will book you in.


ZOOM service changes

The Bilingual Service will continue on Sunday morning at 11.00am (using the Zoom app. Similarly the Chinese Morning Prayer service on Zoom will continue at 10am.

These arrangements remain in place until the numbers allowed at our physical services can be increased.

Today will be our last : Mattins : service at 10am because next week we will be back in church at that time.


The Melbourne Anglican (TMA)

The November edition can be downloaded here.


Our Opportunity shop reopened on Wednesday & Thursday last week and had a spectacular result for two day, raising over $1400. Obviously people have been saving up waiting to return once we reopened! Initially trading will remain two days per week - Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 3pm. If you have clean clothing and any curiosities for donation, please bring them along on a Wednesday or Thursday.



If you would like to nominate for the officebearers roles – Churchwarden, Parish Council or Incumbency Committee member, the form can be downloaded here.

Information about how these roles, and how they will function in the future can be downloaded here.

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 28 November at 11am using the ZOOM app. You can download a copy of the Notice & Agenda here. We have a special page on our website for Annual Meeting information (in case you lose the details) and it can be accessed here or from the front page of our website.



More action in Church Street – literally on the street – as additional space for dining outside has been created for Allegro’s Café and Fish Tank.



This week at St Andrew’s:


10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]

11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]

Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]


1.30pm – English Conversation Class [join here]


10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]

10.30am – Remembrance Day service in church [register here]


10am – Bible study (in English) Let me Go There, by Paula Gooder [join here]


7.30pm – Alpha Course (in Chinese) [join here]


6.00 pm – Sat@6 in the church [register here]

Sunday 15 November

8.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]

10.00 am – Holy Eucharist in the church [register here]


During the week I conducted a funeral for the late Joan Bennetts. She died aged 95, and was survived by 11 of her 13 children. They with their partners were all able to attend (just) her funeral. There was a long list of grandchildren and great-grandchildren for me to read out during the eulogy. Great effort Joan – she was a remarkable woman.

On Friday I attended (on-line) the final day of the hearing of the appeal against Heritage Victoria regarding the new building to go on the tennis courts. Our expert witnesses were superb and we (St Andrew’s and Brighton Grammar) are hoping for a favourable determination in early December.

Greg Biggins died on Friday. We send out condolences and love to Angela and their family at this time. Greg’s funeral will be live-streamed on Monday 16 November and you will be able to see it on-line. A link to the service will be in next week’s Vicar’s News.

More next week.

主任牧师寄语 8/11/2020

Sandringham Cenotaph yesterday

在第11月11日的11时,人们默哀一分钟,献给那些为保护国家而牺牲的士兵。 在周三的纪念日崇拜中,我们将在教堂上午10:30记念这一传统。


第二次世界大战后,澳大利亚政府同意英国的提议,将停战纪念日更名为纪念日,以纪念在两次世界大战中丧生的人。 今天,我们纪念所有在战争和冲突中丧生的澳大利亚人。


澳大利亚记者爱德华·霍尼提出了沉默。 大约在同一时间,一位南非政治家对英国内阁提出了类似的建议,并支持了这一提议。

乔治五世国王亲自要求大英帝国的所有人民(当时是如此)在停战协定的那一刻暂停正常活动两分钟,“这是前四年全世界的大屠杀,标志着正确与自由的胜利” 两分钟的沉默被普遍采用,它仍然是纪念日纪念活动的主要特征。




我们将在11月11日(星期三)纪念日(上午10:30)在我们的教堂里重新开放。 刚开始每周有4场崇拜:





在这里注册 here




请点击这里, 或访问我们的网站-或点击以下红色区域来登记注册


然后单击您要的参加的崇拜(它们显示为蓝色),然后会出现一个简短的登记表格。您将会收到一封电子邮件确认。抱歉,我们无法将日历及其打印内容放大。 您可能需要在末尾将其放大。


那些没有互联网或需要帮忙的会众,欢迎致电教会办公室03 9592 1240,牧师会帮助您登记。


ZOOM 崇拜的变化

中英双语崇拜将继续在zoom11点进行, 晨祷改在周三10点。这些安排将保持不变,直到参加人数被大幅提增。

今天是10点zoom英文晨祷崇拜的最后一次, 下周10点将回到教堂。



十一月版可以在这里下载 here.


我们的Op商店在上周三和周四重新开业,并取得了两天的骄人成绩,营业额为¥1400。 显然,一旦我们重新开放,人们就一直在积蓄等待返回! 最初的交易将保持每周两天-周三和周四上午10点至下午3点,欢迎您捐赠干净的衣服和其它物品。



如果您想提名担任教会执事一职– Churchwarden,教会议会或现任委员会成员,可以在此处下载表格here.


我们的教区年度会议将于11月28日(星期六)上午11点使用ZOOM应用程序举行。 您可以在此处下载通知和议程的副本here.。 我们的网站上有一个特殊页面,用于提供年会信息(以防您丢失详细信息),可以在此处here或从我们网站的首页进行访问。



在教堂街上(实际上就是在大街上)有更多的活到,采取了更多行动,因为已经为Allegro的Café和Fish Tank创造了额外的户外用餐空间。



10am: 晨祷 (英文)[点击进入]




English Conversation)[ 点击进入]


上午10点-晨祷(中文)[ 点击进入]

上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]


上午10点-圣经学习(英文) 关于约翰福音经文中“我是”( 点击进入)


晚上7:30 -Alpha 中文启发课程[点击进入]


下午6点在教堂内 注册 [点击进入 ]


8.00 am – Holy Eucharist 教堂内圣餐崇拜 注册 [点击进入 ]

10.00 am – 教堂内圣餐崇拜 注册 [点击进入 ]


在一周中,我为已故的琼·本内特(Joan Bennetts)举行了葬礼,享年95岁,她生了13个孩子,有11个健在。 他们和他们的伴侣都能够参加她的葬礼。 在悼词期间,她的好多个孙辈和曾孙辈致辞。 费力琼-她是一位了不起的女人。

星期五,我(在线)参加了针对Heritage Heritage Victoria的关于新建筑要在网球场上进行的上诉的听证会的最后一天。 我们的专家见证非常出色,我们(St Andrew’s and Brighton Grammar)希望在12月初做出有利的决定。

格雷格·比金斯(Greg Biggins)于星期五去世。 我们此时向Angela及其家人表示慰问和。 Greg的葬礼将于11月16日星期一将会现场直播,您将可以在线观看。 该崇拜的链接将在下周的《 Vicar新闻》中。


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