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Vicar's News - 8 December 2024

Advent 2

The Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, Andrea del Verrocchio, and Leonardo da Vinci

It was important for John to prepare the way of the Lord so he could formally introduce the Messiah to the Jewish people. John's baptism was one of repentance. We must prepare a straight path for the Lord, removing all obstacles which stand in the Lord's way preventing him from coming to us. All the crooked ways in our life, in the life of our society need to be straightened out. Every mountain and hill, those high places in our lives, should be brought low and every valley be lifted up.

This weekend we welcome Allie, Bella, Scarlett, Florence and Ivy into the Church of God through the sacrament of Holy Baptism.

During the week we celebrated the weddings of Beau and Deepa, Samuel and Bianca, & and Eric and Dani. Next week will be the wedding of Ben and Julia. Please pray for these couples as they begin married life together.

Not usually blessed with knowledge or luck at Trivia evenings, this week I won a prize - a 'Jesus lamp'! perhaps the St Mary's children might find it amusing when they attend for their Christmas pageant on Sunday.


Music on Sunday


Prelude Nun Komm’ der Heiden Heiland BWV 659 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns              O come, all ye faithful

Away in a Manger

We three Kings of Orient are

Postlude           Nun Komm’ der Heiden Heiland BWV 661 –  J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

The soloist on Sunday morning will be Stephen Marino (countertenor)


Prelude:           Canzona [Organ Sonata] – Percy Whitlock (1903 -1946)

Hymns: Processional    God, that madest earth and heaven

Dismissal          Silent night

Introit: Ding dong, merrily on high

Responses: Ferial

Psalm: 129 Turle in G minor (RSCM)

Canticles: Magnificat: TiS 173, Nunc dimittis: TiS 733

Anthem: The Little Road to Bethlehem – Michael Head (1900-1976)

Postlude: Ernste feier Opus 174 – Josef Rhein Berger  (1839-1901)

The lay clerks on Sunday evening are:

Phoebe Paine (soprano) &

Riley brooks (baritone)

The organist on Sunday is Mr Christopher Cook.





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