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Vicar's News - 7 May 2023

Once you awake from watching the coronation, please join in our Coronation service.

Sunday at 10am

Prelude: ‘See what his love can do’ – J.S. Bach (1685-1750) (arr. Hubert Foss)

Hymns: Processional God is love, let heav’n adore him TiS 153

Gradual Jesus, lover of my soul TiS 211i v 1,2,4

Thanksgiving Breathe on me, breath of God, MP 67

Post Communion To God be the glory TiS 147

God Save the King

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 97:1-2, 6-7, 9

Anthem: O for a closer walk with God – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Motet: O taste and see – Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)

Postlude: ‘Trumpet Voluntary’ – Henry Purcell (1659-95)


Coronation Quiche

I made the Coronation Quiche and I tried it. Rather bland, but there will be some slivers for testing at the 10am service, off you are quick.


Vicarage garden

Thank you to everyone who came in the rain on Saturday to help clean out the vicarage front garden. Much was achieved.



This week we farewelled Priscilla Breidahl and there were beautiful flowers.


Organ restoration

The organ console has been returned 'digitised' to the gallery level and will be in use on Sunday. A few photos of its inner workings.

The transept organ console is being removed this week. Its spots still remembers it.



There will be no meditation group this Monday.





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