Sandro Botticelli, The Temptations of Christ (detail), 1480-1482, Fresco, Sistine Chapel, Rome
The Temptations of Christ is one of several frescos by Sandro Botticelli that now reside in the Sistine Chapel. Artist Botticelli was brought in, alongside other famous Florentine artists of that time, in order to put together a series of work which was aimed at drawing together two powerful rulers of Papal states. The fresco shows three temptations of Christ during his stay in the desert. In this part of the fresco, the devil has taken Christ to a high mountain and shows Christ all the kingdoms of the earth and says: “All this will be yours, if you worship me.” Jesus answers him: “It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.”
We note with sorrow the death of Tony Avery, long supporter of this parish and a regular attender at the 8am service. His funeral will be held in the church on Tuesday 15 March at 2pm. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
We also said farewell to Ann Roberts at a well-attended funeral on Friday, and we extend our sympathies to Alan and his family.
Farewell to Alice and Dwight King
Alice and Dwight are moving to the US in April and we will be having a morning tea to farewell them following the 10am service next Sunday 13 March in the cloister courtyard. You are all welcome to join us, and to bring a share plate if possible.
Alice has been invited to lead an evening prayer service for Sat@6 next Saturday 12 March so there will be no Eucharist that evening.
Holy Week and Easter Services

Morning Prayer in Chinese

Lent Bible studies

