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Vicar's News - 6 June 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Holy Family by Mary Charles McGough

Second Sunday after Pentecost

This Sunday is the second Sunday after Pentecost. As a preaching prophet and a worker of miracles, Jesus’ own immediate family thinks that he is mad, and the scribes from Jerusalem say that he has the Beelzebul ''king of the flies'' (another name for Satan) and not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is going to build a believers' family - whoever wants to follow him can come and become a member of the His family, a spiritual family. Watch the recorded service for the second Sunday after Pentecost here.

I hope everyone is well and coping with the restrictions. Please stay in touch with people you know in God’s family, and support one another. Continue to pray for those around the world impacted by Covid-19 and for an end to the pandemic.

Fr Ian will return from his holiday during the coming week. Hopefully, we will be able to worship together again on Saturday 12/Sunday 13 June.


Zoom Fellowship Chat

I will open Zoom at 10 am on Sunday 6 June so we can have our pyjamas on, having tea or coffee - I look forward to seeing you and talking to you. Click here to join. If you have any problems logging in, please ring me 0403 642 178.


Vale Vivien Feltham

With 10 family members, an intimate service of thanksgiving for the life of Vivien was held in the Lady Chapel last Wednesday at 10:30 am. Vivien was 96 and had a long association with St Andrew’s, volunteering with flower arranging and in the Op Shop. Please continue to pray for her daughter Kim, son Mark, and their families.



Parishioner Mitchell Toy's new children’s book The Bounty of Bootless Ben was published on 29 May and will be available in bookshops soon. The story invites children to follow a treasure trail, collect hidden keys and unlock wonders. Young readers will learn how family and friendship are more precious than gold.


Concert: Bach Organ Works

Watch from the comfort of your home

Dr Calvin Bowman presents a selection of his favourite Bach organ works on the mighty four manual War Memorial Organ at St Andrew’s

Live-stream: Thursday 10 June 2021 – 7:00 pm

Digital Ticket (live-stream): $24 Melbourne Digital Concert Hall Helpline: 1300 994 208

Programme: Johann Sebastian Bach –

Praeludium et Fuga BWV 544

Pastorella in F BWV 590

Fantasia super Christ lag in Todes Banden BWV 695

Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr BWV 662

Piéce d’orgue BWV 572


Organ Restoration Appeal

Keep the music playing!

Thank you to those who have already donated to the Organ Restoration Appeal – we have now raised $120,000 towards our target of $340,000. All donations are tax-deductible and can be made by credit card here (Details for cash, cheque, or EFT donations are here)


Volunteer Rosters

Thank you to all those who give their time on volunteer rosters. The next roster period is from 3 July to 31 October. Please advise your team leader or the Parish Office of your availability by this Friday 11 June.



Staff continue to work from home but are available by email:

The Opportunity Shop remains closed.



McGough, Mary Charles. Holy Family, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved May 30, 2021]. Original source:


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