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Vicar's News - 6 December 2020

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

This weekend we celebrate the second Sunday after Advent. The Gospel is from opening of the Gospel of St Mark - “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God”.

These words do not compose a sentence; but rather serve to express the title of the gospel of Mark. Whatever story, miracle, parable, exorcism, teaching or narrative event of Jesus is in the gospel of Mark, it is the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ. This beginning takes place in our hearing or reading of the gospel of Mark and the words of this gospel break into our lives with the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


Singing is once again permitted in the church, masks on. We still have to ‘minimise’ communal singing so we will sing fewer hymns and limited number of verses.

In-church services

Register here


For Christmas services

Register here

If you can’t manage the registration, then you are welcome to ring me on 0421 321 321.


Parish Office

The Parish Office available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am – 3pm, but we have no phone - Christmas present from Telstra. Please ring 0411 702 513.


Election of Officebearers

Following an election, the Returning Officer has advised that the following people have been elected to the Incumbency Committee:

Philippa McKenna

Nick Stretch

Congratulations to those who were elected and thank you to all the nominees.

The Churchwardens have appointed Robert Timms as the Parish Treasurer. Congratulations Robert.



The annual meeting of the St Andrew’s Opportunity Shop will be held in the large Parish hall on Monday 7 December at 2.30pm

For catering purposes, please contact: or

Mobile: 0428671968

The Op Shop recently donated $5,000 to the Green Cross Project Inc. which, in conjunction with Monash Health, provides a health management service to meet the needs of homeless, disadvantaged and marginalized young and adult members in the community in relation to health maintenance, disease prevention, primary care and support of the highest standards.

Heather Sanderson, Op Shop Co-ordinator, hands the donation to

the chair of Green Cross Project, Dr Ian Dickson OLJ


During the week I attended the Annual General Meeting of St Mary’s Pre-School in Dendy Street, which is part of our Parish property holdings and with whom we seek to foster our relationship. Sadly this year, due to COVID_19 we will miss out on the annual Christmas pageant in the church.

They have had a difficult year during COVID and much work had been done to offer activities for the children on-line during lockdown. Special thanks goes to Robyn Greenhalgh who is our representative on the management committee. Though they have not been able to meet physically for some time, Robyn has been in regular contact with the staff at St Mary’s which they really appreciated and she received a special mention during the meeting for her constant encouragement.


Fr Jan's Christmas cakes

These can be ordered and collected from the Parish Office on 0411 702 513.


On Tuesday a scene for the new Netflix miniseries – Clickbait – will be filmed on the front steps of our church.

The carpark will not be accessible that day and security has been arranged by the film company to ensure there is no entry overnight. Various actors and creatives will be on site and there will be the inevitable trailers on the carpark for make-up, catering, sound, lighting etc. No doubt all this will resolve into a short scene during one episode.


Memorial Garden seating

Thanks to the license fee that the Parish will receive from Netflix for the day, we will be able to fund new benches for the Memorial Garden as all of them are now broken. Seating in this quiet area has been well used over the COVID lockdown but the benches themselves are very old and are now unserviceable. New benches are being delivered on Tuesday so that they are available for use in this area over Christmas.


Lost and found

Several pairs of glasses. Please let Angela know if they are yours on 0411 702 513.


This week at St Andrew’s

click here to see our calendar of services and events

Merry Melodies is returning next year on 11 February – the second Tuesday of each month.

mainly music will recommence next year on Monday 4 February 2021

St Andrew's Choir - we hope our choir will return to church on 7 February.



This weekend, through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we welcome into the church of God:

Amira Heather, daughter of Alicia Cohen and Bradleigh Itter, and granddaughter of Adrienne Sylva; and

Alexander, son of Monica Kent-Giles and Timothy Giles.




Daymon was a member of St Andrew’s choir and a former student at Brighton Grammar. He went missing during a visit to Katherine Gorge in October this year and a memorial service will be held for him at St Andrew’s on Wednesday 9 December at 3pm. You can watch the service via this link.

We extend our deepest sympathy to his parents, Elise and William.



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