Francisco de Zurbarán, The Annunciation, 1650
The Annunciation of our Lord
The Annunciation (meaning 'announcement') celebrates the angel Gabriel's message to Mary that she would conceive a son when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. She agreed to the Lord's plan and conceived Jesus, despite being a virgin. As this story involves Mary, the colour for this feast on Sunday is silver or blue. This is traditionally the colour in which she is depicted in art, so that she can be identified from other Marys in biblical stories of the time - Mary, wife of Clopas, Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene.
Mary agreed to God’s plan because she wanted her will to be God’s will. And she was willing to accept the joy and pain that came along with it to bring Christ to a world that waited for him. On this day, we do not only celebrate the announcement to Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus, but , importantly, her willing acceptance of the news and her part on our salvation.
Speaking of announcements, don't forget to turn your clocks back this evening (if you still rely on non-internet clocks) as daylight savings ends before church services on Sunday.
Lady Chapel sculpture
Our Lady Chapel has been without its wall hanging by Beryl Dean since 2022 when it came crashing down with part of the chapel ceiling. It was an embroidery piece of its time, and now requires extensive re-working which is well beyond our budget. It will not be replaced in the Lady Chapel. Alternate images are being sort.
In the meantime, I have acquired and donated a small sculpture of the 'Madonna and Child' from the modernist era during which our chapel was designed.

It is a mid-century wooden statue of the Madonna and Child dating from the 1960s. Hand carved by the Austrian artist Gerhard Letzbor, it features a striking minimalist modern form. The statue portrays a seated Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her lap. Both figures have an elongated form and wear crowns on their heads. The surface of the wood has been decorated with a thin layer of plaster and a rich gold-tone patina. The statue has a recess at the back allowing for it to be displayed seated on a shelf or stack of books, though I have also donated a plinth for it that fits discretely in the corner of the chapel. Unlike the wall hanging, Mary has no eyes that follow you around the chapel. There is a handwritten paper label on the back with the name of the artist and his address in Vienna, Austria with the title "Madonna". In 1961 Gerhard Letzbor exhibited in a solo show at the renowned Forum Stadtpark Gallery in Vienna, Austria. Dimensions: 51 cm x 5 cm x 13 cm.
The sculpture was blessed by Mother Xeverie on Wednesday last during the monthly healing service. A faculty for this new work will be obtained from the Diocese in due course.
Music for Sunday
CANTOR EUCHARIST (well-earned school Easter break)
Prelude: Voluntary No. 2 in G major – William Walond (1719-1768)
Hymns: Processional Of the Father’s love begotten
Gradual Long ago, prophets knew
Thanksgiving Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Post Communion Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 85; NPCW
Anthem: ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth’ from Messiah – G.F. Handel (1685-1759)
Organ: Sonata in D major – Adagio and Staccato – Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785)
Postlude: Sonata in D major – Allegro – Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785)
Organ Concert Series 2024
In 2024, St Andrew’s, Brighton presents a special series of three organ recitals to celebrate the completion of major works on the 1964 War Memorial Grand Organ. The twin four manual consoles have been fully refurbished to include a sequencer and MIDI. In addition, cleaning and revoicing of various ranks of pipes has taken place, and new stops have been added, as far as refurbishment funds have allowed so far.
This year’s recitals will feature a mixture of organ music specifically from France and Australia, and will amply demonstrate the capabilities of our eclectic instrument.
21 April John O’Donnell French organ works
21 July Calvin Bowman Australian organ works
20 October Jennifer Chou French and Australian organ works

Bookings can be made for the April concert, or the three event series.
John O'Donnell concert series of 3 concerts
$30 $80
ANZAC Remembrance Service

Tenebrae on Good Friday evening
We are fortunate to have video recordings of many of the choral works presented by the choir at this Good Friday evening service and these can be seen and heard by clicking on the links below:
(Chant, Calvin Bowman) Psalm 71:1-13 (R.1)
(Chant, Calvin Bowman) Psalm 70 (R.2a)
(Chant, Calvin Bowman) Psalm 31:9-18 (R.17a)
(Chant, Timothy Mallis) Psalm 90:9-12 (R.12)
(Chant, Timothy Mallis) Psalm 51:1-9 (R.11)
(Chant, Timothy Mallis) Psalm 53:1-3 (R.1a)
Easter Day
He has risen indeed. Alleluia.
We had well attended services on Easter Day and the choir sang at both services to the delight of those present. Hear the anthem by clicking on the link below:
Martin Shaw (1875-1958)
