Farewell to Michelle
This weekend we farewell The Reverend Michelle Wang who will be leaving us in January and who will be on holidays from Monday.

As is the case with Assistant Curates, they leave to take up another appointment after two years, but we have been fortunate to have had Michelle here for three years while she completed her studies. Michelle will be commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of St David's Moorabbin on 15 January. We thank Michelle for her big contribution, particularly to our Chinese ministry. Please join her after each service for a drink and to say farewell.
St Andrew's Day lunch
Thank you to all those who assisted in making the lunch last Sunday such a great event. A special thank you to Pantry for the nifty lunch boxes, and the take-home bag for supper. The food was thoroughly delicious, as was the company and the musical accompaniment provided by our choral lay clerks.
Community Events @ St Andrew's
It has been an extremely busy week of community engagements at St Andrew's.
Organ & Brass Concert
Last Sunday evening the church hosted an Organ & Brass Concert performed by Victoria Brass and Calvin Bowman, with vocals and narration by Matthew Little.

It was a program with a wide selection of pieces, including the Australasian Premiere of 'Circus - Wind of the North' by Aagaard-Nilsen, plus plenty of favourites such as Widor's 'Toccata' and Albinoni's 'Adagio in G Minor'.
Robert Connor Dawes Foundation Market Day

On Wednesday we hosted the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, who raise money for brain research in memory of Robert Dawes who died whilst still a schoolboy at Brighton Grammar. This was the first time the fundraising Fair has been held at St Andrew's.
Jazz on Church

A marquee will be erected in the grounds next week as part of the state governments promotion of shopping strips. Bayside Council will be providing
Jazz on Church in our grounds on the next two Saturdays 11am-2pm.

Brighton Beach Primary School

Four classes from Brighton Beach Primary School had lunch together in the church grounds after watching a film at the Dendy Cinemas. Food was provided by Pantry.
Classic Residences Christmas Service
Santa will be visiting Classic Residences in Brighton East on Tuesday following their Christmas service at 10am. Unfortunately we wasn't able to get down the chimney at Mayflower, due to a COVID incident sending the aged care facility into lockdown.
Vale & Prayer List
We thank God for the lives of those who have died recently, especially bringing before God:
Beverley Dunn
Judy Fergusson
Joanne Wood
Lorraine Jacka
Pauline Fock
Beverley Dunn's funeral will be in the church on Monday at 11am.
Year's mind: Gary Dobson, Helen Nicholson
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Prayer List
Tony, Belinda, Chester, Tony, Marg, Sheila
On Sunday at 10am, we will be welcoming
Yan Lui
into the Church of God through the sacrament of Holy Baptism.
Congratulations to:
David and Cathy
Ashish and Ashley
who were married at St Andrew's this week.
Choral Evensong
Sunday 12 December – 6.00pm

Join us for a service of Choral Evensong featuring the St Andrew's Choir using the service for Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 1662.
Be inspired by beautiful choral music Ding dong! merrily on high (Wood) The little road to Bethlehem (Head)
Enjoy singing hymns Of the Father’s heart begotten Silent night
Enjoy listening to memorable organ music
Bassus et Dessus Trompette (Clérambault)
Click on photo above to book
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve
5pm Children’s Service
8pm Festival of Lessons and Carols
11pm Carols followed by Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
8am Choral Eucharist
10am Choral Eucharist
(Fully vaccinated)
Christmas Cakes
Fr Jan's Christmas cakes will be available for purchase after the services. Stock permitting, they may also be available at the next farmer's market, but the are selling fast.
