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Vicar's News - 4 October 2020

October, Grimani Breviary, 1490-1510

The wicked tenants

In the first century, if a landowner didn't have an heir, the land became the property of the tenants. So instead of showing the landowner's son his due respect, the tenants decide to kill him so the land will become theirs.

Jesus is prophesying about His own death at the hands of the Jewish religious leaders.

And even though His death will make a way for the forgiveness of humankind, there will be a reckoning for this disobedient people and generation.

They are rejecting the One who will become the cornerstone of God's kingdom. Jesus' warning is that the vineyard would be taken from those who refuse to submit to God and given to those who would. The implication is that God's vineyard was being opened to the Gentiles—and anyone who would submit themselves to the Jesus, the cornerstone.

Although the chief priests and Pharisees understood Jesus’ words, their response was to look for a way to arrest Jesus. They weren't concerned about pleasing God. Their only concern was how their actions would be perceived by the crowds who supported Him.



There were two funerals at St Andrew’s this week. We offer our condolences and prayers for the families 0f

Alan John Humphris and Robin Anthony (Tony) Satchell

May they rest in peace and rise in glory.


Beautiful sunny days brought many to the church grounds this week, lots of boys (40) on bikes enjoying the end of the school holidays in the sunshine.

Some strong winds too which have damaged some of our trees and some tree lopping is required to ensure the safety of those on the parish site.

An edict from the Archbishop allowing gardening in church grounds was met with delight by Gail Quilliam and she returned to immediately to work in the Memorial Garden. Many thanks to her for her dedication to this task. If you listen carefully to Tim’s readings in this week’s video Eucharist, you can hear Gail clipping in the background, with Tim competing this week with a large crow at the end of the Epistle.

Our financial year has finished and we are in the process of thinking about the Annual Report and how truncated it might be as we have been shut down for so long. Angela Alomes will be in touch with those who kindly contribute to that report in due course. A reminder that our Parish Annual Meeting will be on Saturday 28 November at 11am via the Zoom app. details to come.


This week at St Andrew’s:


10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]

11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]

Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]


10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]

10.30am – Chat with the Vicar and friends [join here]


10am – Bible study (in English) ‘The ‘I AM’ statements in St John’s Gospel’ [join here]


7.30pm – Chinese bible study [join here]

To simplify entry to the Zoom meetings, the following links will apply:

For all Ian’s activities – Wednesday chat, Thursday bible study & Sunday @ 10am:

For all Michelle’s activities – Wednesday morning prayer, Friday bible study & Sunday @ 11:


I hope that the wind dies down and you can properly enjoy this spring weather.

主任牧师寄语 04/10/2020

1490-1510年,格里马尼·布雷 十月










Alan John HumphrisRobin Anthony (Tony) Satchell





大主教发布的允许教堂园艺工作的宣布让Gail Quilliam感到高兴,她立即回到纪念花园工作。非常感谢她对这项任务的奉献精神。如果你仔细听了Tim在本周圣餐视频中的朗读,你可以听到背景音中Gail在做修剪的声音,而且有一只大乌鸦参与了Tim的经文朗读。

我们的财政年度已经结束,我们正在考虑年度报告,以及由于我们已经关闭了太长时间,这次的报告可能会较短。Angela Alomes将在适当的时候与那些需要提供报告的人联系。提醒大家,我们的教会年会将于11月28日星期六上午11时举行,通过Zoom app。




10am: 晨祷 (英文)[点击进入]




上午10点-晨祷(中文)[ 点击进入]

上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]


上午10点-圣经学习(英文) 关于约翰福音经文中“我是”( 点击进入)


晚上7:30 -中文圣经研习[点击进入]



Michelle的活动——星期三晨祷,星期五查经班和星期日@ 11:的双语崇拜




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