Advent 2

John the Baptist, the fore-runner, the one preparing the way, points to Jesus as the Messiah in this 1515 painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Seemingly emerging from the shadowy background, he is dressed in furs, has long curly hair and is smiling in an enigmatic manner reminiscent of Leonardo's Mona Lisa.
Prelude: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling
Gradual On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
Thanksgiving Let all the world in every corner sing
Post Communion Long ago, prophets knew
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 72:1-7; Rawsthorne in C (RSCM)
Anthem: How beautiful are the feet from Messiah – Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Motet: I sing of a maiden that is mateless – Charles Waters (1895-1975)
Postlude: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme BWV 645 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Xeverie's first Eucharist

Although Bishop David Farrer could not join us as Xev's guest for this occasion (we wish him well in his recovery in hospital), the morning was one of bells and smells for Xeverie's first Eucharist as priest. Thank you to the many friends from St peter's Eastern Hill who joined us for this special morning, including multi-talented Alae Taule'alo who read Bishop David's sermon and acted as our thurifer, and Michael Upon as our crucifer. Our own serving team were the acolytes and banner bearers for this special St Andrew's Day service marking 180 years of serving Anglicans in Brighton.

Photographer Howard Aitken (Howardshoots) captured many moments for us as you can see below. Click on a photo to enlarge and download.
Xeverie is now visiting her family in Singapore for a week prior to the busy run up to Christmas.

COVID returns

There is a high incidence of COVID again in Brighton, including members of our own community at St Andrew's. Masks and social distancing are recommended.
Next weekend -10 & 11 December
Saturday 10 December - Sat@6 Contempory Eucharist
Sunday 11 December - 8am Sung Eucharist
10am Nativity Service & Sausage Sizzle
with St Mary’s Pre-school
6pm Festal Evensong
with the Choir of St Andrew’s Brighton
Relax with beautiful choral music by Michael Head
Join in singing: God, that madest earth and heaven
Silent night
Enjoy organ music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Followed by Dinner at the Marine Hotel.
Register for dinner by Monday 5 December
here or T: 9592 1240

With a hoarding to be erected in St Andrews Street around the nail;ding site, a new sign has been installed to attract visitors to our Op Shop.

