What is it that possesses us? Is it Christ, or some part of our self, our own ‘demons’ that rule our lives and prevent us from acting in a manner that befits a disciple of Jesus. Modern medical scholarship moves us away from the ancient thinking that people who acted strangely were, in fact, possessed by some form of ‘evil spirit’. But in biblical times, demonic possession was used to explain behaviour that was not understood. Jesus uses that thinking here to demonstrate his power of the unknown.
In those days and possibly still the case - the use of a person’s name implied some control over them. Do you remember when your mother used your full name? – never a promising moment. In some instances Jesus prevents the ‘demon’ from naming him so as to ensure Jesus can demonstrate who truly has the power.
What rules our lives? Our own needs or those of God who, through our faith, can free is us from our inner demons and make us true disciples.
Receiving God’s gifts: recognising assets & abundance
Bishop Kate Prowd, formerly of St Stephen’s Gardenvale, in partnership with the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane and the ‘HeartEdge’ program developed by the Reverend Dr Samuel Wells at St Martin-in-the-Fields (London) is presenting a series of seminar and panel discussions introducing the HeartEdge ethos and its mission model (the 4 Cs – compassion, culture, commerce, congregation) to the Anglican Dioceses of Southern Queensland and Melbourne. This series will feature stories, case studies, ideas and approaches presented by clergy and lay leaders from both Dioceses.

Tickets are $25 per person and include access to all six sessions in the series. The sessions will be held via Zoom on Wednesday evenings throughout February to April, from 5.00–6.30 pm Brisbane time (6.00–7.30 pm Melbourne time). Bookings here.
Participants will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom meeting prior to the start of each session:
• ‘The pandemic & the future shape of church’
3 February, 6–7.30 pm Melbourne time
Sam Wells explores what church might need to look like and some opportunities for change as we emerge from the experience of the pandemic. The pandemic has been a complete nightmare, but can still be a gift, if it restores our clarity about our core purpose: to be with people in the night-time of their fear with faith, hope and love in the God who in Christ heals our past and frees our future.
• 'Living God's Future Now'
10 February, 6–7.30 pm Melbourne time
Christianity must take the present opportunity to be what it was always called to be: an alternative society, overlapping and sharing space with regular society, but living in a different time – that’s to say, modelling God’s future in our present.
The HeartEdge mission model of the 4 Cs offers a model of what a renewed society might look like. The interdependence of commerce, culture, compassion and congregational life is this model. It sustains itself, is open to the gifts of strangers, and exhibits the life of faith. This session will explore 4 Cs stories with clergy from the two Dioceses’.
• ‘What virtues are called for in a post COVID world?’
3 March, 6–7.30 pm Melbourne time
Sam Wells suggests that, through the nightmare of the pandemic, we’ve been given the greatest opportunity of our lifetimes to be pastors: to rediscover our core identity and to exercise our unique calling by doing some very simple things very well. But to do so may require a change of heart and soul and mind and strength; which is why we need the Beatitudes of Lockdown.
• 'The public role of the Church in complex times'
10 March, 6–7.30 pm Melbourne time
Exploring complexity/emergence work and conversational/dialogical approaches in relation to partnership. Working with those “on the way” into conversation; seeking a transformative spirituality and inclusive faith that speaks to real issues of today.
• ‘Investing in the Kingdom: The Divine Economy’
7 April, 5–6.30 pm AEST
Sam Wells explores the New Testament call to discipleship as an all-embracing thing requiring our heart and mind and soul and strength. The church has found it hard to live that call in practice and has adapted its ways to what we might call a partial approach. Any solution to the churches’ present woes about money that are based on a partial approach are unlikely to succeed, given that they are seeking to restore a flawed model. Therefore, a renewed all-embracing model is suggested that might give hope and reignite the imagination of our conversation about money.
• 'Good business & the Church'
14 April, 5–6.30 pm AEST
This session will explore the potential for hybrid structures that build community understanding of how we all flourish in complex working environments including church engagement with business/commercial enterprises including business ethics and pastoral care. Exploring the potential for hybrid organisations that stand with one foot in the business community and the other in the church and which work to hybrid structure and practice in an evolving form of secular public engagement for the Anglican Church of Australia.
Everyone is invited to participate.
You are also welcome to join the parish of St George’s East Ivanhoe which is supporting this initiative by running a group on Zoom to explore the material, ideas and reflections that come out of the presentations. If you would like to be part of that group please email the Vicar John Sanderson at jsanderson@melbourneanglican.org.au.
Sat@6 in the church
How great that our Sat@6 service has outgrown the space available in the Pioneer Chapel under the current COVID-19 restrictions. We will be having our services in the church until those limitations are removed and we can comfortably sit closer together.
We are grateful for the piano accompaniment previously provided by James Hardy for this service. Calvin Bowman will be providing the music for the service, principally on the organ and we will be occasionally joined by cellist Clara Schütz.
Clara began studying cello at the age of five in Bendigo. She travelled to Melbourne between 1987 and 1992 to study with Sarah Cuming. She gained her AMusA while still in school and performed with the Bendigo Symphony Orchesra. In 1994 she received First Prize in the 1994 National Cello Competition held in Wagga Wagga, NSW, winning a $13000 Benedict Lang cello. In 1995 she won the Hepzibah Menuhin Award for strings and the 3MBS-FM Performer of the Year competition. She completed her Bachelor of Music degree with Honours in 1997 studying with Nelson Cooke and Christian Wojtowicz, later travelling to England to continue her studies. She has played with the State Orchestra of Victoria and has taken masterclasses with Georg Faust, Ralph Kirshbaum and Maude Tortellier. In 1997 she travelled to England to continue her studies.
Baptism in the Bay
Last Sunday Michelle baptised Bo Liu on Brighton Beach accompanied by a group of parishioners.
We welcome her into the Church of God and look forward to her being among us at the 10am service.
Refreshments at 10am service
This weekend we are reintroducing refreshments after the 10am service. Because of Diocesan restrictions on the provision of food served by parishes, under the Parish’s COVIDSafe plan these will be limited, at this stage, to tea, coffee, mineral water, or cordial. All the cups will be disposable, so please place your finished cups and napkins in the bins provided in the narthex. Biscuits individually served on napkins (to avoid cross-contamination) will be available too.
This week at St Andrew’s
Click here to see our calendar of services and events
Advance notice for your diaries
mainly music will recommence on Monday 1 February
St Andrew’s Choir returns to church on next Sunday at 10am, when we will be commissioning the new Choir members. There will be a barbeque following that service, courtesy of the Choir Parents (SACPA), so please remain for the service and mingle with the choristers and their parents and families.

主任牧师寄语– 31 January 2021

在当时甚至可能现今仍然如此的情况下-呼喊人名意味着对他们的控制。您还记得母亲使用您的全名吗? –真不希望有那样的时刻。在某些情况下,耶稣阻止“鬼”称呼他,以确保耶稣可以证明谁真正拥有能力。
Receiving God’s gifts: recognising assets & abundance
主教凯特·普罗德(Kate Prowd)布里斯班·威尔斯(Samuel Wells)牧师在伦敦圣马丁现场研究中心开发的“ HeartEdge”计划正在举办一系列研讨会小组讨论向南昆士兰州和墨尔本的英国国教区介绍了HeartEdge精神及其使命模型(4 C –同情心,文化,商业,会众)。本系列将以两位教区牧师和非专业领袖的故事,案例研究,思想和方法为特色。

费用¥25,可参加该系列的所有六个课程。会议将在整个2月至4月的周三晚上通过Zoom举行,时间为布里斯班时间下午5–6.30(墨尔本时间下午6–7.30)。 在此here.
‘The pandemic & the future shape of church’
萨姆·威尔斯(Sam Wells)探索了教堂的外观,以及当我们从疫情的经验中浮现出来时的一些变革机会。大流行是一场完全的噩梦,但如果它恢复了我们对我们核心目标的明确性,它仍然可以是礼物:与人们在恐惧中的夜晚相处,对在基督里治愈的上帝充满信心,希望和爱我们的过去,释放我们的未来。
'Living God's Future Now'
4 C的HeartEdge任务模型提供了一个新社会可能会是什么样的模型。商业,文化,同情心和会众生活的相互依存就是这种模式。它维持自我,向陌生人的礼物开放,并展现信仰的生命。本课程将与两位教区牧师一起探讨4个Cs故事。
‘What virtues are called for in a post COVID world?’
3月3日,下午6点至7.30点,墨尔本时间–萨姆·威尔斯(Sam Wells)表示,在疫情的噩梦中,我们获得了毕生最大的机会成为牧师:重新发现我们的核心身份并通过实践来行使我们的独特召唤一些非常简单的事情很好。但是,这样做可能需要改变心灵,思想和力量。这就是为什么我们需要在封闭期间的祝福。
'The public role of the Church in complex times'
‘Investing in the Kingdom: The Divine Economy’
萨姆·威尔斯(Sam Wells)探索了《新约》中关于门徒训练的呼召,这是一个无所不包的事情,需要我们全心全意,尽心尽力。教会发现在实践中很难活出这种呼召,并已将其方式调整为我们可以称之为局部方式的方式。鉴于教会正在寻求恢复有缺陷的模式,因此任何解决教会目前基于部分方法的金钱困境的方法都不太可能成功。因此,提出了一种更新的全能模型,该模型可能会给我们带来希望,并重新点燃我们关于金钱的对话的想象力。
· 'Good business & the Church'
Sat@6 in the church 周六晚6点的崇拜
在当前的COVID限制下,我们的Sat @ 6崇拜的人数超出了先锋教堂可用空间的大小。我们将在主堂里崇拜,直到这些限制被消除并且可以舒适地坐在一起。
感谢James Hardy)为周六崇拜的钢琴伴奏。Calvin Bowman将提供管风琴音乐服务,大提琴ClaraSchütz也会偶尔加入。
Clara五岁开始在Bendigo学习大提琴。她于1987年至1992年间前往墨尔本向Sarah Cuming学习。她还在上学时就获得了AMusA,并与本迪戈交响乐团合作演出。 1994年,她在新南威尔士州Wagga Wagga举行的1994年全国大提琴比赛中获得一等奖,赢得了13000美元的Benedict Lang大提琴。 1995年,她因弦乐获得了Hepzibah Menuhin奖,并获得了3MBS-FM年度最佳表演者比赛。她于1997年获得荣誉学士学位,就读于纳尔逊·库克(Nelson Cooke)和克里斯蒂安·沃伊托维奇(Christian Wojtowicz),之后前往英国继续她的学业。饺子。1997年,她前往英格兰继续她的学业。
Baptism in the Bay 海中受洗
Refreshments at 10am service 10点崇拜后的茶点
This week at St Andrew’s 本周信息
click 点击此处查看教会崇拜和活动日历here
.Mainly Music 和 English Conversation Group 将于周一进行。
St Andrew’s Choir 圣安德鲁合唱团将于下周日上午10点返回教堂,届时我们将委任新的合唱团成员。感谢合唱团成语的父母(SACPA)的礼仪之后将进行烧烤,请大家留下来,与合唱团成员及其家人交流。
