This Sat@6 we will have a special service for all who have lost loved ones - All Souls' Day.
Please join us in the Pioneer Chapel at 6pm. Invite friends - all are welcome to join us.
Choral Eucharist this Sunday
with our lay clerks
Prelude: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
Gradual We have a gospel to proclaim
Thanksgiving Fill my whole life
Post Communion O for a closer walk with God
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 119:137-144; Havergal in Eb (RSCM)
Anthem: O for a closer walk with God – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
Motet: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake – Anonymous
This Sunday at 8am we will be welcoming baby Ahri into the Church of God through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. It will be quite an 'in-house' affair as both godparents are also regular 8am parishioners. Please pray that Ahri will know God's love and care as she grow in the faith of Christ.
On Monday we celebrate the wedding of Dale and Esther. The elements of their wedding will be the culmination of liturgical elements from the Anglican Church and the Mar Thoma Church, established by St Thomas in 52AD, in Kerala, South India. We have been blessed to share with our Mar Thomas colleagues in Christ in a number of weddings in the past few years. I will be joined by two Mar Thoma priests. Part of the service will be in Malayalam, and incorporates the 'Blessing of the Crowns', the tying of the 'Minnu' and the gifting of the 'Manthrakodi' to Esther. I will be joined by two Mar Thoma priests for these aspects of the service. Please pray for Esther and Dale for every blessing on their lives together.
There have been several deaths this week, with funerals in this coming week. We pray for the souls of:
Susan Moxham
David Hynes
Steven Wintle
May the souls of the faithful through the love and mercy of God,
rest in peace and rise in glory.
All Saints' Day

We have transferred All Saint's Day to next Sunday so that the whole choir can join us.
Remembrance Sunday - 13 November

We will celebrate Remembrance Sunday on 13 November at the 8am and 10am services. Medals may be worn.
St Andrew's Day

Our patronal festival falls on the same Sunday - 27 November - as our then newly priested Xeverie will be celebrating her first service of Holy Eucharist at 10am. We plan to have refreshments afterwards in recognition of these two feasts.
