The Good Shepherd, by Cristóbal García Salmerón (Museo del Prado)
Prelude: Pastorale – César Franck (1822-1890)
Hymns: Processional How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Gradual The king of love my Shepherd is
Thanksgiving Let all the world in every corner sing
Post Communion I will sing the wondrous story
Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm: 23; TiS 10
Anthem: The Lord’s my Shepherd – J.A. Bain (1860-1925) (arr. Malcolm Archer)
Motet: These are they that follow the Lamb – Sir John Goss (1800-1880)
Postlude: Christ ist erstanden BWV 627– Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Of your charity, please pray for these parishioners who died recently:
Priscilla Breidahl - funeral on Friday 5 May at 11am
Estelle Colebrook - funeral on Thursday 11 May at 11am
'Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord,
and may light perpetual shine upon them'.
Diary Dates
Lectio Divina is back on Monday 1 May please feel free to join us for meditation.
English Conversation Classes are back on 2 May, we are looking for volunteer teachers please call Xeverie to enquire.
Gardening working bee
Next Saturday we are having a working bee in the vicarage front garden under the watchful eyes of Ken and Gail. Starting at 9am, please join us for a bit, refreshments will be provided.
Coronation services
both home and away

Graveyard tours
Self-guided tour around the St Andrew's Brighton Historic Graveyard

As part of the National Trust’s Australian Heritage Festival we have a self-guided tour around the St Andrew's Brighton Historic Graveyard - a rare example of a suburban churchyard burial ground which is also of state significance. The first Christian burial was conducted in 1844 and the last burial in 1948.
Tours operate 10.30-11.30am on Thursday 4 May, Friday 12 May and Thursday 18 May.
Cost $15 (includes complimentary history book)
Book through TryBooking https://www.trybooking.com/CGFPS
