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Vicar's News - 3 February 2025

Fra Angelico, Presentation of Christ in the Temple (detail) 1438-46
Fra Angelico, Presentation of Christ in the Temple (detail) 1438-46

Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Welcome back to all those who have been away on holidays.

Why are infants baptised so young? Because Christ was presented in the temple at 40 days old in accord with the Jewish custom of the day, and because, in the past, infant mortality was much higher. I was baptised at 6 weeks, taking my first plane trip from Sydney to Melbourne to be baptised in the church where my parents had been Sunday School teachers - Holy Trinity Oakleigh. I admit that the Jesus in Fra Angelico's painting is much larger than I would have expected a 40 day old baby to be, but I may not be a good judge of babies or art perspective.


Music for Sunday

Welcome back to the choir, now with 8 new members, who will be commissioned at 10am:

Jackson, Ivy, Scarlett, Rocco, Alice, Nina, Betty and Jack,

We also have 2 new Lay Clerks - Katie and Ethan - joining us, and who will be commissioned next Sunday when our existing lay clerk, Phoebe, returns from Germany. The choir will have their formal photo taken following the 10am service, when there will also be a sausage sizzle provided by SACPA (St Andrew's Choir Parents Association Inc). Everyone is welcome to have a sausage in the western courtyard following the 10am service.


Prelude: Pastorale from Sonata 1 – Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911)

Hymns: Processional         Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Gradual Praise to the Holiest in the height

Offertory Now we come, our heavenly Father

Post Communion Love divine, all loves excelling

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 24:7-10  TiS 12

Anthem:  I give to you a new commandment – Peter Nardone (b.1965)

Motet: Nunc Dimittis in A Minor – Henry G. Ley (1887-1962)

Postlude: Toccata from Symphonie 5 – Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)


Australia Day

Last Sunday we celebrated Australia Day (on the actual day this year) by blessing the new Vicars' Cloister and Eastern Courtyard. This outdoor ceremony and the subsequent church service can be seen by clicking the links below:

Our photographer, Howard Aitken (Howardshoots), captured some great shots in the courtyard, in the church and at the refreshments in the western courtyard after the service, as can be seen below (click on the photo to enlarge):


The Duigan Centre

The model of Australia's first aircraft hangs in the Duigan Centre, overlooking our Garden of Remembrance
The model of Australia's first aircraft hangs in the Duigan Centre, overlooking our Garden of Remembrance

The Duigan Centre opens for classes this week. We are currently discussing the hours during which the doors to the entry from St Andrews St and to the Vicars' Cloister from Church Street will be generally be open for access through the new eastern courtyard to the Parish Office and Garden of Remembrance.

The Centre will be officially opened on 27 February by the Hon. Nick Duigan MLC (great-nephew of John Robertson Duigan, pioneer Australian aviator), and Bishop Kate Prowd. There will be a public open day on 1 March 2025.

Unfortunately St Andrew's Tennis Club have advised us that they are not able to sustain the financial commitment required to occupy the rooftop of the new Centre, so the Churchwardens are now dealing with another interested party. This is a great disappointment for all concerned as even the new directional signage for them had been installed.

Already there has been vandalism within the Centre by hooligans who gained access through the rear gardens of the church. The Churchwardens propose to install gates and fencing (with CCTV) to create a compound at the rear of the church during non-office hours, for the safety of those living and working on our site. This will limit access to the Garden of Remembrance during weekends and early evenings. Sadly, as the judiciary do not effectively restrain these machete-wielding hooligans (who are known to police), we will have to increase our own safety measures as best we can.


"Returning to normal broadcasting"

This Sunday, services return to 8am and 10am.

All our normal activities, which have been in recess over the holidays, return this week.

On Sunday the choir is back and we have Kids' Church at 11.30am, following the sausage sizzle, so grab one on the way in. On Monday, Lectio Divina mediation is in the Lady Chapel at 9.30am. Tuesday seeks our English Conversation Group return at 9.30am in the Narthex (entry to the church), and our 10am service at Classic Residences (which has not been in recess) will be held. Wednesday sees our first healing service and Eucharist in the of the year in the Lady Chapel at 10.30am, with Coffee + Chat returning on Wednesday at 12 noon in the Parish Hall. On Thursday our Morning Prayer in Chinese will also be held in the Lady Chapel at 9.30am. Sat@6 continues as usual.



On Monday we will be holding the funeral of Janice Bate, daughter of Canon Wilson long-time headmaster of Brighton Grammar. Her husband, Weston Bate, wrote several books on the history of Brighton, including St Andrew's Brighton 1842-1992: A Short History.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.


Kids' Church

This Sunday at 10am we bless school backpacks

and learn about Jesus - the light of the world.


This new bible study group commences on Sunday 16 February following the 10am service (11.30am). Come along and join in this new venture, expressing the hope we have in Christ.


Next Sunday evening


Shabbat meal

With the disgusting rise in pro-Palestinian violence directed against peaceful Jewish Australians, there is even more of an urgency in supporting the rights of Jewish people to live in peace in Australia, whatever their view view of Israeli politics may be. Please join us for a Shabbat meal by registering using the link here.





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