Icon of St Andrew in our sanctuary
St Andrew's Day
Sunday is our 181st Patronal Festival since the foundation of the Parish opened on
30 November 1842. As we first celebrated public worship on St Andrew’s Day, this church was dedicated to Saint Andrew.We are the oldest continuing Parish in Melbourne, older than the Diocese itself. This weekend we celebrate our 181st Patronal Festival – St Andrew’s Day – the occasion on which we annually honour St Andrew as the Patron Saint
of this parish.

Music at 10am Sunday
Prelude: Dawn Canticle – Ross Edwards (b.1943)
Hymns: Processional O come, O come, Emmanuel
Gradual Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Thanksgiving O worship the King
Post Communion Jesus calls us! O’er the tumult
Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)
Psalm: Ps. 19: 1-6; Walmisley in G (RSCM)
Anthem: When the Saints Go Marching In – arr. John Rutter (b.1945)
Motet: Cuncti simus concanentes from Llibre Vermell de Montserrat – Anonymous
Postlude: V. Toccata from Symphony No. 5 – Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
Sat@6 v Victoria Brass
There will be a bit of competition on Saturday evening as there will be a rehearsal by the Bach Choir and a performance by the members of Victoria Brass, overlapping the Sat@6 service. Sat@6 will be held in the Lady Chapel, which can support 2 services at once when Brighton Grammar are using the church. However, Victoria Brass may be a bit louder than the boys and there is the possibility that the service may have to be shortened to accommodate ear drums.
Tim Mallis - Assistant Director of Music
I announced at the Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday that Tim will be leaving us at the end of January. We appreciate all that he has brought to St Andrew's and will formally farewell him in January. The choir will farewell him at the Christmas Day breakfast between services.
Christmas in Brighton
Christmas has arrived with the lighting of Bayside Council's Christmas tree at the front of the church on Church Street.

Brighton's Christmas was launched by Mayor, Fiona Stittford, with fun-packed activities for children early on Friday evening, supported by the Church St Traders Accociation. There were performances by:
Brighton primary School choir, and
The 5 Degrees band
Santa arrived with some gifts and there were roving entertainers in the church ground:
giant candy cones
giant elves
epic bubble performers
Christmas candy stilt walkers
giant bubble acts
Snow Queens on stilts
face painting
A very enjoyable evening at St Andrew's as can be seen in the photos below.
Mazi Café opens

'Mazi' has opened in the school house and first in to try their wares were Xev and Calvin, and me. The cafe is great, inside and out, and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.


