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Vicar's News - 3 April 2022

Artus Wollfort, Mary washes Christ's feet, circa 1630

The first of two foot washing's we hear about in the next fortnight leading to Good Friday. In this scene, Jesus' feet are 'embalmed' with costly nard perfume. You will recall that the women disciples were unable to anoint Jesus' body as they found the tomb open. On Maundy Thursday we hear the story of Jesus, as servant exemplar, washing the disciples feet.

This Sunday we trial our live service broadcast to our YouTube channel so that our Holy Week and Easter services can be watched by those who are unwell and unable to attend.


Vale Jolson Raynmore

Our friend and parishioner Jolson Raynmore died this week, after an illness that saw him hospitalised for some time. He was moved to aged care but was unable to return home to St Andrew's Court in James Street. Jolson was a faithful member of this parish for many year, an excellent reader and assistant to me in making the video services during the various COVID lockdowns.

Jolson's funeral; will be held in the church on Wednesday 13 April 2022 at 10.30am, with refreshments afterwards in the Pioneer Chapel.

"He ate the bread of life and drank with us from the cup of salvation at our altar.
May he rest in peace and rise in glory."

Cello at Sat@6

The human-like voice of the cello serenaded us last Saturday evening when Clara Schutz joined Calvin Bowman to provide music for us during communion.


Mozart & Mystery Concert

This Sunday, 3 April, at 2pm there will be a concert in the church by the

Bayside Chamber Orchestra

conducted by Ingrid Martin.

Dramatic, exotic, classic: 200 years of composers breaking new ground. From the world premiere of Melbourne composer Tom Campbell's dark The Mysterious Castle, to Andre Caplet's beguiling Suite Persane and Mozart's crowning instrumental work, the joyous Symphony No. 41.

Pre-concert talk by Ingrid Martin commencing at 2.00pm


Easter Services

A reminder of the services for Holy Week and Easter Day. The Wednesday service will now be the funeral for Jolson.


Palm Sunday preparation

On Saturday 9 April there are six baptisms in the morning. We are expecting a delivery of palm branches at the end of that week but we cannot place them in the church until Saturday due to other church bookings. If you are able to assist in decorating the church for Palm Sunday at 12.30pm next Saturday, we would be grateful. It should only take 30 minutes.


Child Safety updated requirements

The State Government have imposed additional requirements for those engaged in, or possibly working with, children's activities. Philippa McKenna is assisting me with the new regime which requires the completing on on-line courses. For those without internet access, we will be running classes in the Meeting Room of the Parish offices. We will be in touch with you regarding these video courses.






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