As the embodiment of love, Jesus Christ was supremely qualified to issue the two great commandments, which he did while serving as the perfect exemplar of both.
From his boyhood, our Saviour witnessed his absolute love and devotion to God the Father in word and deed, exemplifying the first great commandment to love God with all one's heart, soul and mind. That obedience and love culminated in Gethsemane, during which his moments of agony Jesus prayed: "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." (Matt. 26:39.)
Jesus spent His life ministering to others' needs. He taught through word and deed that "he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." (Matt. 23:11.) His good deeds - teaching the gospel, healing the sick and infirm, comforting the lonely, reproving evil, raising the dead - were each a demonstration of love, often administered to a person with the admonition to "tell no man." (Matt. 8:4.). St Paul taught that love, or charity, encompasses all of the commandments and is the "fulfilling of the law"; that all commandments are "briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Rom. 13:8-10.). In today's Gospel reading Jesus spells out the two great commandments.
Music on Sunday
Prelude: Prelude in C major, BWV 531 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Gradual A new commandment
Thanksgiving For the fruits of all creation
Post Communion Who would true valour see
Setting: Parish Eucharist– Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 90:1-6; TiS 47
Anthem: Spirit of God, unseen as the wind – Trad. Scottish, arr. A.D. Miller
Motet: I give to you a new commandment – Peter Nardone (b.1965)
Postlude: Fugue in C major, BWV 547– Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
All Soul's Service next Saturday@6

Bishop Paul Barker will be visiting St Andrew's on the weekend of 11 and 12 November. There will be a confirmation service on Sunday 12 November at 10am. We have one candidate so far. Anyone else wishing to be confirmed should contact the Vicar at vicar@standrewsbrighton.org.au.
Funeral for Gwen Russell
Gwen's funeral will be held on Tuesday at 10am in the church.
Refreshments will follow in the Pioneer Chapel
Parish Annual Meeting
Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held in the church on Saturday 26 November at 11.30am following the 10am service.
You can download the following documents:
Application for Parish Electoral Roll (for new parishioners who may not be on it already)
The Annual report will be distributed closer to the meeting.
Notice of Revision of the Parish Electoral Roll
The parish electoral roll of St Andrew’s Brighton will be revised by the Parish Electoral Committee on 10 November 2023.
The Parish Governance Act 2013 provides that parish electoral roll is to contain the names of people who are:
at least eighteen years of age;
are baptised;
regularly and habitually attend public worship at a worship centre in the parish;
have signed an application seeking to be included on the roll and declaring that—
4.1. they are a member of the Anglican Church of Australia or of a church in
communion with the Anglican Church of Australia;
4.2. they are not a member of any church which is not in communion with the Anglican
Church of Australia; and
4.3. they are not on the parish electoral roll of any other parish or any Authorised
Anglican Congregation in the Diocese other than a roll from which they wish their
name to be removed.
The parish electoral roll as revised will be displayed prior to the annual meeting.
A person must be on the parish electoral roll to vote at the annual meeting.
A person may apply to be on the electoral roll at any time. A person wishing to apply to be on the electoral roll before the next revision may download a form here, or collect one from the Parish Office, or request to office@standrewsbrighton.org.au or by phone 03 9553 8934.
The completed form must be returned to the Parish Office (at the above email address or by posting to, or leaving the form at, the Parish Office, 228 New Street, Brighton 3186 before midday on 9 November 2023.
Dated: 28 October 2023
Fr Ian Morrison
Organ Restoration - stage 2
St Andrew's Music Foundation has approved the commencement of stage 2 of the organ restoration. This is a project which will be done in stages as additional funds are raised. We need a further $180,000 and fund raising will commence again in earnest in 2024. In the meantime there are sufficient funds in hand to begin a small segment of this work to the actual pipes and mechanics of the organ.
