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Vicar's News - 28 November 2021

St Andrew's Day

A reminder about this great concert in the church this evening. I have heard them rehearsing and it it a great sound.


St Andrew's Day Services and Lunch

Today was our patronal festival and our guest speaker was Nils Von Kalm from Anglican Overseas Aid. This is the international Mission arm of the Anglican Church, and this Diocese. We leant much about the work this organisation is doing in the Gaza strip, helping those through its support of the unfortunate enough to be trapped there is the 'world's largest open prison by its support of the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City.

Following the 10am service, Nils joined many of us relaxed in the sunny cloister courtyard for a linch to celebrate St Andrew's Day, Great food by Pantry, including a take-home bag with food for dinner. A fun time was had by all, serenaded by the lay clerk members of St Andrew's Choir. Thank you to all those who made this possible.


Thanks, too, to the Op shop committee Heather Sanderson , Lorraine Winkler, Jan Atkins and all the Op Shop volunteers for their commitment and dedication to raising funds for the church having achieved so much with only 60 operating days last year due to our various lockdowns.

Thanks also to our Mainly Music staff, Betty Carlisle, Carolyn Harris,

Helen Yao, Victoria Freckleton and Andrew Bottomley for their commitment and dedication in running that important outreach program.

And also to all those who attended our Parish Annual Meeting yesterday.




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