Click here to register to attend services in July.
This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton is the fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Father Roger addresses us on why the story of Abraham and Isaac presents difficulties for our understanding of God’s prevailing love shown by Jesus in the New Testament. Some ‘religious’ people see God as demanding death and injury in modern times. More on this in our video service, our Zoom service on Sunday and at the 9.30am Sunday service itself.
On Wednesday we had our first worship service (excluding funerals and a wedding) for several months. It was wonderful to have our own people back in the church again, even in limited quantities.

On Thursday Michelle and I went to Springvale Botanic Cemetery for a graveside service (not a parishioner). It was a good day and wet underfoot but a respectful service was conducted nonetheless.
On Sunday we will have several people assisting in the sanctuary so that we can accommodate as many of the 38 people who have booked to come as possible. Don’t forget to book in for the services throughout July. The link is here.
Register for any of the services over the next four weeks, Wednesdays @ 11am and Sundays @ 9.30am in any of the following ways:
· register on-line: click here to register for a future service
· ring 03 9592 1240
· ring or SMS 0421 321 321
Our video and Zoom service will continue, though the Zoom bi-lingual service will be at 11am from net Sunday.
You can speed up your entry to the service by avoiding the queue to have your name ticked off the registration list by using the QR code on the signs in the narthex. Point your camera at the sign and complete and submit the form which pops up on your phone.

During the week there was a burst water pipe from our fire and water services connection under St Andrews Street which made quite a crater in the roadway and which will be repaired shortly. For safety reasons it has been temporarily filled as we await the necessary permit from the council. More digging on the church grounds as the NBN cables were brought into the café, Op Shop and hall from St Andrew’s Street, and all the way from New Street for the church and residences.
The Op Shop volunteers are busy dealing with how to operate under the new Diocesan rules. They hope to be open again in the next two weeks.
Thank you to all those who have given generously to our appeal so far. Rebuilding our finances is an imperative if we are to sustain ministry in Brighton and maintain our facilities. On-line donations or donation form can be found here.

在7月的四个星期天,您可以通过以下任何形式来注册星期三@ 11am和星期日@ 9.30 am的崇拜:
·电话03 9592 1240
·电话或短信0421 321 321

本周内,St Andrews街下方的消防供水系统连接处出现水管爆裂,在人行道上形成了很大的口子,不久后将进行维修。出于安全原因,我们等待执事会的决定前已经做了临时填充。另外,随着NBN电缆从St Andrew's Street进入咖啡店,Op Shop和大厅,以及从New Street一直通往教堂和住宅,在教堂地面上的挖掘工作将会越来越多。
感谢所有迄今为止已经慷慨回应我们呼吁的人们。如果我们要维持St Andrew’s的事工并维护我们的设施,财务状况必须有所改善。请点击此处找到在线捐赠或下载捐赠表。
