Andrey Mironov, Parable of the Two Sons, 2012
“What do you think?” Which one did the father's will?
Deeply valuable symbolism is thoroughly embedded in two of Jesus’ parables, both of which begin, “A certain man had two sons.” The more famous of these two is commonly called the parable of the prodigal son, and is found in Luke 15. We know it well because of the spectacular sculpture of the prodigal son with his father on our sanctuary wall.
The less often mentioned is the parable of the two sons, or the willing and unwilling sons. This parable is this morning’s Gospel reading from Matthew 21. Even people who have written much and taught profoundly about the parables of Jesus have rarely had much to say about this brief text, which is nevertheless freighted with significantly authoritative cargo. Jesus’ invitation to this parable is: “What do you think?”. Something for you to contemplate after this morning’ video service.
Vale Rennie Coutts

Rennie Coutts was a parishioner of St Andrew’s, from her home, from Mayflower Brighton and most lately at Princeton View Aged Care in Brighton East. She died last week, aged 95.
Born in rural Tasmania, in an area of Kentish, the closest town being Sheffield, her father worked in the family business, H L Jones & Sons Barrington Apiary, which continues today under different ownership and the name Sheffield Honey Farm.
Her parents did their best to ensure that Rennie received a good education, though her early schooling was largely at home due to childhood epilepsy. She was one of the very few girls in the district at that time that was sent to the coastal town of Devonport to board & attend the secondary college. She moved to Melbourne, where she enrolled at the University of Melbourne attaining a Bachelor of Arts followed by professional training and certification in pre-school / kindergarten education at Kew Kindergarten Teachers Training College and as a teacher librarian registered with the Library Association of Victoria.
Highlights of Rennie's professional life included:
· Director of Pre-School Centres in the State of Victoria
· Established Fawkner Park pre-school during WW2 for returning soldiers and families
· Head of Research at the Victorian State Library with a particular interest in library information systems (awarded travel grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York to pursue further library information systems study in Canada and USA)
· introduced a new library and information system at the Commonwealth Bureau of Roads
In 1972, as Rennie Lyne-Browne, she was appointed the Director of the Women’s Bureau within the Commonwealth Department of Labour and national service. The Women’s Bureau was the focus at a national level for research and information relating to women’s employment.
Her famous quote made a newspaper headline “Cut the male claptrap, please, Sir” and featured over an article about women wanting satisfaction in the workplace just as much as men. In this role at the Women’s Bureau, she work tirelessly against discrimination of women in the workforce and to ensure women could have an active role in both family and society.
Rennie was an advocate of women’s place in the workforce and had an enduring passion for the education of girls in maths and science. and has established a scholarship for this purpose. Rennie was married twice but both husbands predeceased her. Sadly she succumbed to COVID-19 which has so devasted some aged care facilities in Brighton and in Melbourne generally. Despite this, and being fond of the food from the Café at Princeton View, she rather wryly arranged for the ten people attending the burial to receive a lamington from the café as a gift. She was interred in the grave with her first husband, Arthur Lyne-Browne at Brighton Cemetery. May she rest in peace, and rise in glory.

Brighton Schoolhouse Cafe
New tenants take over the café on Monday. Mark Chann and Kim Oeung will be assuming ownership of the operation of the Brighton Schoolhouse Café under a new lease. Kim is a chef, and has particular interest in pastries (and I have a particular interest in trying them!). So we must try to support them – they will initially remain open for takeaway until restriction on inside dining change.
This week at St Andrew’s:
10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]
11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]
Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]
10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]
10.30am – Chat with the Vicar and friends [join here]
10am – Bible study (in English) ‘The ‘I AM’ statements in St John’s Gospel’ [join here]
7.30pm – Chinese bible study [join here]
To simplify entry to the Zoom meetings, the following links will apply:
For all Ian’s activities – Wednesday chat, Thursday bible study & Sunday @ 10am:
For all Michelle’s activities – Wednesday morning prayer, Friday bible study & Sunday @ 11:
We are not expecting any significant announcements from the Premier this weekend so far as church congregations are concerned, but it is pleasing to see that the COVID numbers are down which should support the timetable for restrictions being lifted in due course.

主任牧师寄语 27/09/2020

Andrey Mironov《两个儿子的比喻》,2012年
Vale Rennie Coutts

Rennie Coutts是St Andrew 's的一名教会居民,她住在Mayflower Brighton,最近住在Brighton东部的Princeton View Aged Care老年护理中心。她于上周去世,享年95岁。
她出生在塔斯马尼亚州的乡村,Kentish的一个地区,最近的城镇是Sheffield。她的父亲曾经在家族企业H L Jones & Sons巴林顿养蜂场(hl Jones & Sons Barrington Apiary)工作,那个养蜂场至今仍以谢菲尔德蜂蜜农场(Sheffield Honey Farm)的名称在经营。
•在二战期间为回国的士兵和家庭建立了Fawkner Park幼儿园
1972年,她被任命为联邦劳动和国家服务部门的妇女事务局局长,当时她的名字是Rennie Lyne-Browne。妇女局的工作重点是国家一级有关妇女就业的研究和资料准备。
Rennie倡导女性在劳动力中的地位,并对女孩的数学和科学教育有着持久的热情。并为此设立了奖学金。雷尼结过两次婚,但两位丈夫都先于她而死。不幸的是,她死于COVID-19。在这特殊时期,只有十个人允许参加她的葬礼,因为她很喜欢Princeton View Aged Care老年护理中心的食物,参加葬礼的人了接受老年中心咖啡馆的小点心作为礼物。她被安葬在Brighton公墓,与她的第一任丈夫Arthur Lyne-Browne安葬在一起。愿她安息,在荣耀中复活。

Brighton School House咖啡馆
教会旁边的Brighton School House咖啡馆,新租户星期一接管了这家咖啡馆。Mark Chann和Kim Oeung将在新的租约下承担咖啡馆的经营所有权。Kim是一名厨师,对糕点特别感兴趣(我特别喜欢尝试它们!) 所以我们必须努力支持它们——它们最初将继续开放外卖,直到内部用餐限制改变。
上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]
晚上7:30 -中文圣经研习[点击进入]
Michelle的活动——星期三晨祷,星期五查经班和星期日@ 11点的双语崇拜
总理在这个周末可能 队教会的聚会/会众发表任何重要的声明,但令人高兴的是,COVID的人数下降了,对在适当的时候取消/减轻限制的时间表提供有利的数据支持。
