Ss Simon and Jude

St Simon was born at Cana, a town in Galilee and is often referred to as Simon the Cannanite so as to differentiate him from St Peter who was originally known as Simon.
St Jude, the brother of Simon, is called Thaddseus to distinguish him from the other Jude or Judas' who betrayed Jesus. It is thought that Mary Cleophas was their mother, and St James the Less their brother.
After the Ascension, the Apostles separated to preach the Gospel. St Simon went to Egypt and St Jude to Mesopotamia. After spending 30 years in apostolic labours, they met again in Persia, where they were both killed in 65AD.
Jude wrote a short but powerful Epistle, in which he admonishes the faithful to guard themselves against those who, having forsaken the true Church, preach heresy; to remain constant in their faith, and to practise diligently all virtues, especially charity, chastity and purity. Some suggest it is for this reason that he is named Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes, because of his passionate plea. As we honour these Apostles, what we know for certain is that they were instrumental in the early Church.
Music on Sunday
Prelude: Prelude Modale – Jean Langlais (1907-1991)
Hymns: Processional The church’s one foundation
Gradual Christ is made the sure foundation
Thanksgiving Joyful, joyful we adore you
Post Communion Through all the changing scenes of life
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 19.1-6 Walmisley in G (RSCM)
Anthem: My eyes for beauty pine – Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Motet: O Lord, increase our faith – Henry Loosemore (c 1607-1670)
Postlude: Toccata – Gaston Bélier (1863-1938)
All Soul's Day service
Next Saturday our Sat@6 service will merge with a special service of remembrance of those who have died during the year. There are signup sheets in the Narthex this Sunday so you can add the names of those who you wish read out at this service. Or simply send me an email on We will be inviting families of those whose funerals we have conducted during the past year. Next Sunday we will be celebrating the feast of All Saints.

Advent Bible Studies
For your diaries.

Coffee + Chat - Wednesday week
Brian Comport will be chatting with us to give our discussion some ideas about model railways.

