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Vicar's News - 27 May 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021


With the 7-day circuit breaker restrictions in place, there will be no gatherings or activities on church premises in the next week. A recorded short service will be available on our YouTube channel and through our website - the links will be sent to you Saturday night. Staff will be working from home but are available by email:

The Opportunity Shop will also be closed.


Small-Group Ministries

The Chinese Morning Prayers and Bible Study on Friday and the English Conversation Group on Tuesday will be on Zoom. Click here to join.


Keep in touch

In this week of lockdown, keep in touch with your church family. Phone, text, or email a few people from our church community to maintain a sense of inter-connectedness and mutual care. If you, or someone you know, needs prayer for any reason, including feelings of isolation, please contact me on 0403 642 178.


Vale Vivien Feltham

Vivien Patricia Feltham has died. We will be holding her funeral in the Lady Chapel. However, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, only ten people will be able to attend. Please keep her daughter Kim and son Mark in your prayers.


We all hope Fr. Ian enjoys his holiday and returns refreshed and renewed.




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