William Blake, Christ raising Jairus's daughter, 1799
Lots of news this week but some late photos delayed the production of this newsletter.
On Monday we farewelled BGS student, James Tsindos, whose coffin paused at St Andrew's on its way to his funeral at the Greek Orthodox monastery at Red Hill.

James was in year 12 and a large group of Brighton Grammar boys and Firbank girls lined the church driveway. Many family and friends came as well (those unable to go to Red Hill). It was a fitting tribute led by Fr Chester Lord and the Reverend Christine Croft, the schools' chaplains.
On Thursday we farewelled Sue Thompson, wife of George Thompson a former chair of the Brighton Grammar School Council. This was a private funeral.
On Friday, we laid to rest Peg Darling in another small ceremony in the church.
"Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them".
Filming at St Andrew's
More movie scenes being filmed here last week bringing in much-needed revenue.

A wedding scene in the Pioneer Chapel doorway and an 'election rally' in the Parish Hall were filmed for the upcoming movie 'Wog Boys 3'. I did not get to 1 or 2 of this franchise but I might well stretch to the third in the series to see how the church comes out on the big screen. Vince Colosimo is one of the stars, seen below with Patrick Douglas. Oh to be that photogenic!

COVID-19 in Sandringham
Sadly the nasty Delta version of this pernicious disease has found its was to the dry cleaners in Sandringham and some parishioners are isolating because of this (no doubt having burnt the dry cleaning!). Masks are now mandated for all services.
Sunday music
Although the choir is on holidays, Calvin has organise some solo performances for us at each 10am service. These include performances by the lay clerks from our choir, and a cello instrumental by Clara Schutz, seen below with Calvin on the piano.

Thank you
To all the members of the Organ Fundraising Committee for their tireless work in seeking funds for our Organ Restoration Appeal.
To Jan Bokor for her assistance in maintaining the Garden of Remembrance and Cemetery grounds. She is a whiz with the leaf blower.
