The Transfiguration

The glory of the transfiguration of Christ, with Moses and Elijah, was celebrated today and there has been much to celebrate here at St Andrew's over the past week, though not so much in other parts of the world.
This weekend was the Rev Xev's first preachment and it was a great success, and may there be many more as well constructed as that.
Wednesday this week

Community engagement on community radio

Our churchwarden, Jonathan Hough, was interviewed on the local Bayside local radio station 88.3 Southern FM, on Monday spruking Fridays concert and our Organ Fundraising Appeal. The half-hour interview was well received by listeners and can he heard here.

Dr Bowman's birthday

Last Sunday we celebrated Calvin's 50th birthday with joyful singing, a marvellous cake (that was processed up the aisle at the end of the service) and refreshments in the cloister garden courtyard. Many of Calvin's friends join our choir for the occasion and sung from the gallery so as to accommodate everyone. It was a great event for the St Andrew's family and heartily enjoyed by all.

Church Street sign
Our new electronic sign is now on, just in time to advertise our concert last Friday evening and the services for the weekend. Looks great in real life - check it out.


The first of our concert series for the year, 'An Operatic and Organic Concert' was held on Friday evening in an intimate space created at the front of the church. It was a great success and bodes well for our further concerts later this year.
Sopranos Seija Knight and Katrina Waters performed operatic arias and Calvin Bowman both accompanied the ladies on the organ and played some much loved organ works, all in aid of our Organ Restoration Fund. Chair of the Organ Restoration Committee, Roger Pym, presented gifts to the performers following a great evening's performance. Drinks and nibbles were available in the Pioneer Chapel prior to the event commencing.
Many thanks to all those who helped devise, promote and set-up the evening.
We record the passing of Ann (Monotti) Roberts whose funeral will be held this week. We extend our sympathy to Alan and their family.
We farewelled Air Vice Marshall Brian Graf OAM on Friday at a private family funeral. Brian was buried at Brighton Cemetery following a service in the Lady Chapel and we all travelled together to the burial in the largest stretch limo I have ever seen. It was a poignant and intimate service and we extend our condolences to Barbara and her family.

Lenten Studies

