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Vicar's News - 26 July 2020

This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton is the eighth Sunday after Pentecost and in our video and Zoom services, Fr Roger Featherstone speaks of the small seed which creates a tree sheltering others. How transforming this should be for us. This week’s services include special prayers for those suffering from COVID-19, those concerned about their health and those of loved ones.

COVID -19 is now getting close to home with a number of positive cases in Brighton, so please ensure that you continue to wash hands, use sanitiser and wear a facemask in public. Our Op Shop will open only on a Wednesday to limit our volunteers’ exposure to the general public but also to maintain our presence which has been warmly received since reopening.

Details of our on-line services and bible studies can be found on our

webpage, and join us our ‘Catch up with the Vicar and friends’ on Wednesdays at 10.30am

You can join on line or by phone. If you need help connecting with us, call 0421 321 321.

If you would like a communion pack to participate in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist during our video services on Sundays or you need some face masks, then Click here or call 0421 321 321 for immediate delivery.


St Andrew’s Brighton本周主日是五旬节之后的第8个主日,在我们的视频和Zoom线上崇拜中,牧师Roger Featherstone谈到了一颗小种子,它是如何从一颗种子成长为一棵能够庇护他人的大树。这对我们来说应该是怎样的转变。本周的崇拜包括为COVID-19患者、关心自己健康的人以及我们的亲人的特别祷告。

在Brighton社区出现了一些阳性病例,COVID -19病毒已经离我们越来越近了,所以请确保你经常洗手,使用消毒剂,在公共场合戴口罩。我们的Op店将只在周三开业,在我们为社区服务的同时,限制我们的志愿者与公众的接触,自开业以来,我们受到了热烈欢迎。

有关我们网上服务及查经的详情,请浏览我们At Home @ St Andrew’s的网页,并于星期三上午十时三十分加入我们的“与牧师及朋友见面”活动。

你可以通过网络或电话加入此项活动。如果您需要与我们联系,请拨打0421 321 321。

如果您想要一个圣餐包来参加主日的圣体圣餐礼,或您需要一些口罩,请按此或致电0421 321 321我们将安排为您送达。



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