The Gospel reading this morning is St John's version of the feeding of the 5,000. Notice that in this version, it is Jesus who blesses and then distributes the food, feeding the people himself rather than the bread being distributed by the disciples. For St John, this is the institution of the Eucharist, which in the other gospel accounts appears in the narrative of the Last Supper.
Lockdown #5

Melbourne's fifth COVID lockdown continues this weekend and so we have prepared a video service which you can watch on our YouTube channel here. It seems unlikely that we will be back in church next weekend given the number of daily cases still being reported, but we will have to wait for the usual announcement later in the week. Should we still be prevented from returning to the church itself, we may have a service on Zoom next Sunday as well as our video offering.
Meanwhile the funerals for both the late Stewart Bolles and Jacqui Woodyatt remain on hold until an adequate number of people can attend funeral services.
The Parish Office remains closed by Angela is working from home and can be contacted on the office number 03 9592 1240.
If you need pastoral care during this difficult time for those who live alone, please contact the clergy: Ian 0421 321 321 or Michelle 0403 642 178, and they will arrange to contact you, visit you when permitted or have one of the members of our refreshed Pastoral Care Team make regular contact.
Barbecue at the Farmers' Market

We are resurrecting our sausage sizzle at the monthly Farmer's Market on the third Saturday of the month. The market can continue during the restrictions facing other businesses because it is an authorised food market.
We need volunteers to assist at the market beginning next month - 21 August.
There will be 2 shifts: 7am - 11am and
11am - 2pm.
If you are willing to assist, even if you are not available every month, please let Angela know on 03 9592 1240 or office@standrewsbrighton.org.au
Organ Restoration Appeal

Our appeal total approaches $130,00 and the Organ Fundraising Committee is doing a great job of contacting many people, institutions and philanthropic foundations seeking donations towards our appeal. If you know of a possible donor, please let Roger Pym know on 0438 133 387.
