Due to a camera failure, or more accurately a memory card imploding, the Holy Eucharist service will not be available until Monday, so a note with the link will be sent to you all then.
In the meantime, why not join us on Sunday morning at 9am for a short service on Zoom at 9am. The link is at the top of this page. Xeverie Swee, who is coming to St Andrew's to replace Michelle, is reading for us and will be on-line.
Thank you to those volunteers who are assisting in keeping our grounds as litter-free as possible by picking up rubbish and binning-it.
Even more vaccination news
Re-opening, COVID 19 vaccination proof and rosters
We plan to re-open for worship for fully vaccinated people from Sunday 14 November (Remembrance Sunday).
Everyone will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination whenever you come to worship or an activity at St Andrew's. Read more here about how to get your proof of vaccination https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/get-your-covid-19-digital-certificate
Volunteers are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination in advance of reopening and were emailed with details of how to do this during the week. Please check your spam/junk folder, and contact Angela Alomes (Parish Office) on 9592 1240 or email office@standrewsbrighton.org.au if you have not received the email.
Rosters are currently being prepared. Please advise your team leader now of your availability for the period 14 November to 13 March. If you are interested in joining a roster (readers, welcomers & sidespeople, COVID check-in marshals, hospitality) or finding out more about what is involved, please contact Angela Alomes (Parish Office) on 9592 1240 or email office@standrewsbrighton.org.au
Out of lockdown
Friday saw us come out of lockdown - well sort of, because there aren't many places to go yet, other than coffee chops and hairdressers. We are preparing for our reopening and Angela, Dale, and Felicity have been busy contacting people regarding vaccinations (see above). I will be on the trail of all those from whom we need new Child Safety forms signed. This is a constantly evolving area of concern to show we are in front of the curve with respect to compliance, just like vaccine compliance.
Prior to our first Sunday, there will be a number of interments in the Garden of Remembrance, a wedding, a military funeral and an investiture in the church. So plenty to keep us busy. Angela Alomes is still working from home as required by the COVID regulations. Possibly these will relax at the beginning of November.
