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Vicar’s News - 24 January 2021

This Sunday we celebrate Australia Day, which falls on Tuesday. Australia Day is the foremost expression of Australian culture and identity, celebrated each year on a nationally declared public holiday. For those who call Australia home, regardless of their view of what happened 225 years ago and the history that is behind this date, Australia Day is an opportunity to give thanks for the land we live in.

There can be no doubt that our country has been richly blessed by our creator God. From the perspective of natural wonders and beauty, this land is magnificent. There are the deserts of the outback, the mountain ranges, the grassy paddocks, the wildlife, the rivers, and the magnificent coastline with its cliffs, islands and white sandy beaches.

It is all so vast and so different and we can only exclaim that this land is a masterpiece of natural beauty. God's creativity never ceases to amaze.

I’m sure people in other countries rightly make the same claim about their land, the place they call home. We should not be boasting that our country is better than any other, but thanking God that coupled with the natural beauty of our land are the peace and freedom that we have enjoyed as a nation.

Let’s pray.

God of Australia,

you have loved this ancient land

long before European eyes explored it.

On this Australia Day

we offer our praise.

We bring you our gratitude

for the diversity and wealth of this land and its people;

for its weathered old mountains, fertile valleys, and vast plains;

for its riches of mine and agriculture, forest and grazing land;

for the first Australians, who know and love this continent

with an intimate, profound sensitivity;

for the courage, vision and sacrifice of early settlers;

for the diverse races who now call Australia home.

For these and all your gifts

we offer you, O Lord, our joyful thankful hearts. Amen.

Bruce Prewer



This Sunday 24 January Bo Liu will be baptised at 9.10 am at Brighton Beach outside the Royal Brighton Yacht Club. All are welcome to come and join in welcoming Bo Liu into the church of God.


The sun shone on Friday for the funeral of Roger Sanderson, just as it has nearly 2 weeks ago for the funeral of David Greenhalgh. Thank you to everyone who made those occasions so special from the carpark attendants, pewsheet printers and the catering facilities organisers.


Church floors

During the week the flooring in the church and chapels was stripped and resealed. The result was very pleasing as those who attended Friday’s funeral can attest.

It does mean that we should not, however, move the Pioneer altar into the main body of the church as this is damaging the flooring.


Brighton Schoolhouse Café

The garden areas of the café has had a facelift and it looking great from the street. You can now order on-line from your table, and a waiter will bring it to you.


This week at St Andrew’s

click here to see our calendar of services and events

Advance notice for your diaries

St Andrew’s Opportunity Shop re-opens on Wednesday 27 January with a half-price sale (open Wednesdays & Thursdays 10am-3pm)

SACPA welcome & AGM will be held in the Lady Chapel on Friday 29 January at 8pm.

mainly music will recommence on Monday 1 February

English Conversation Group will recommence on Monday 1 February

St Andrew’s Choir returns to church on 7 February when we will be commissioning the new choir members

Merry Melodies is delaying its return given the persistent limitations around masks, food and singing

主任牧师寄语 24/01/2021




我相信其他国家的人也会对他们的土地,他们称之为家的地方做出同样的声明。我们不应该自夸我们的国家比其他任何国家都好,但感谢上帝,我们拥有土地的自然美景加上我们作为一个国家享有和平和自由, 这一切都值得我们感恩。








为这片土地 , 它的人民的多样性和财富;









Bruce Prewer


Vale Roger Sanderson

周五,Roger Sanderson 的葬礼上阳光明媚,David Greenhalgh 的葬礼上一样。感谢所有让这些活动变得如此特别的人,包括停车场服务员、单张打印员和餐饮设施组织者。





School House 校舍咖啡馆




刘波姐妹的受浸仪式将于2021年1月24日,本周主日早上9点10分在Brighton 帆船俱乐外面的海里进行,欢迎大家参加见证神的圣礼,并欢迎刘波归入神家。


Mainly Music, English Conversation Group 将于2021年2月1 日星期一重新开始


2021年2月11日,每个月的第二个星期二,“快乐的旋律” Merry Melodies将在教堂里回归。

Fr Ian Morrison



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