Ghirlandaio, Calling of the Apostles, 1481

This global celebration, while not inherently connected to one faith tradition, honours the calendar and culture of many of our neighbours, co-workers, family members, friends and fellow parishioners. May this year of the Rabbit be filled with blessings, love and hope.
Music on Sunday
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Organ : Dr Calvin Bowman
Cello: Clara Schutz
Prelude: Cello Suite No 2 in d minor, BWV 1008 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Reflection: Prayer – Ernest Bloch (1880-1959)
Communion: ‘Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her’
(From heaven above to earth I come),
Canon per augmentationem, BWV 569a - Bach
Postlude: ‘Kol Nidrei’ – Max Bruch (1838-1920)
Processional All praise to our redeeming Lord
Gradual Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Thanksgiving O worship the King
Post Communion God has spoken by his prophets
What a delight it will be to have Clara with us again on Sunday.
St Andrew’s future - ideas
The Parish Council want all parishioners to be aware that the Parish is in a precarious financial position (like many others), and to be aware of the impact that this is likely to have on St Andrew’s future.
Unless adequate funding can be secured, significant reductions will be necessary and these will, in turn, have further negative financial, worship and pastoral consequences.
The Parish Council have already explored many possibilities whilst also continuing to seek further support from outside the Parish. They want to exhaust all avenues of potential revenue and your thoughts on the way forward would be welcome to ensure no possibility is overlooked.
A special meeting with Parish Council members on Saturday 28 January at 9am, now in the Church due to the increasing incidence of COVID. Masks are recommended.
If you have a suggestion on how we might generate a significant income boost, you are welcome to attend and present your idea. This is your chance to have input into possible sources of income or adaptations to preserve our parish services and activities as they presently exist.
To keep us focussed on positive future proposals (rather than a discussion of the past), 3 minutes will be allocated as the maximum time to present each idea. The Parish Council will then take up all the suggestions for further consideration.
If you would like to explore any preliminary thoughts beforehand, or discuss our financial position as presented at the Annual Meeting in November, please call me on 0421321321.

This year we will be celebrating Australia Day on Sunday 29 January 2023 at 10am. Your choice of red, white and blue or yellow and green clothing.
Xeverie to Canterbury
As mentioned last week, Xeverie is off to The Canterbury Conference next Saturday. This conference is for new Anglican clerics who are in the early years of their ordained ministry.We wish her a safe and informative experience.
Next Saturday our guest celebrant and preacher will be our Associate Priest, the Rev'd Christine Croft as I will be at a Chinese New Year function.
Farmer's Market

The Parish BBQ team, second shift
It was a beautiful day for the Farmers' Market Saturday. Our sausage sizzle sales went well. Thank you to those who assist each month at the BBQ. Thanks to Alan Roberts for playing the organ and enticing visitors into the church during the market.

