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Vicar's News - 22 August 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Click here for video Holy Eucharist service

(available Sunday morning)

Click here to join our on-line Morning Prayer service on Zoom at 9am on Sunday

Double rainbow from Hampton Beach on Friday morning at 7am

"I set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth." Genesis 9.13-16

One of the loveliest sights in God’s creation is that of the rainbow, as each of the seven colours composing the bow stands out in its individuality of colour, yet each merges with the colour next to it. The rainbow is a sermon in nature, reminding us that God will never ever break his covenant. In the final book of the bible, St John The Divine speaks of God on a throne surrounded by a rainbow.


Vale Professor Emeritus Reverend Dr Gary Bouma AM

Requiescat in pace

Gary Bouma, assistant priest at St Andrews 1985-92, died on Thursday. A distinguished educator and academic, he held positions at Monash University from 1979-2007 and remained an Emeritus professor until his death.

Gary was UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations – Asia Pacific; Acting Director, Global Terrorism Research Centre Monash University; and the Australian Node of the Religion and Diversity Project, University of Ottawa. He served on the Multifaith Advisory Group to the Premier of Victoria, the Multifaith Council and the Multicultural Reference Group to Victoria Police and the Social Cohesion Institute of the State of Victoria. He was President of the Australian Association for the Study of Religions, and Chair of the Board of the Parliament of the World’s Religions 2009 (Melbourne). He was Chair of the Academic Board at Harvest Bible College for ten years. In 2013 he was invested as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for services to the Academy, to Interreligious Relations and to the Anglican Church of Australia.

Gary's funeral will be at St John's Finch Street Malvern East. Due to COVID restrictions, the funeral will be available on line from 11am on 26 August and the link will be posted on our twitter feed at the foot of the home page of our website when available.


Latest COVID-19 Restrictions

Increased surveillance of groups of people congregating in public is underway by police and council inspectors following the much publicised recent engagement party in which 69 people gathered in Caulfield North and who will be collectively be fined over $300,000.

In order to avoid a $50,000 fine, we have indicated (by additional signage) that our grounds are closed and that there should be no one seated, riding (bikes and skateboards) or playing on the church site. Of course we are not able to police this, but we trust the signs will be enough to shift the burden of any fine to any individuals concerned.

We do not know how long these restrictions will last nor how limiting they will be on our movement nor how damaging to our mental health.

If you need to talk or if you have any physical needs that you cannot satisfy yourself, please do not hesitate to contact me 0421 321 321 or Michelle 0403 642 178.


St Andrew's Exchange Building

The St Andrew's Building Group comprising 9 parishioners (plus the Parish Administrator and the Vicar) has reconvened as the architectural work for the new building on the tennis court site has recommenced. There are consultations underway regarding the general requirements for the proposed new parish offices, toilets and function centre within the new building. The St Andrew's Tennis Club also has its committee considering the plans for a new pavilion on the roof level overlooking the church and access to the tennis courts.


Morning Prayer on Zoom at 9am on Sunday

click here to join


Confirmation classes

Michelle has commenced confirmation classes for those who are baptised and wish to confirm their baptismal promises. Bishop Paul Barker is due to conduct the confirmations in September but this may be a zoom service or have to be postponed depending on the then applicable restrictions.


Church Street footpath works

The council has advised that 70% of the footpath work it is conducting during this lockdown is now completed. Weather permitting, they will complete the remaining work before this lockdown ends. The next section of work is further down Church St away from our church.


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