St Andrew's Day - Patronal festival lunch
Let's get together to celebrate our return to in-church services with a lunch for our patronal festival in the Cloister Courtyard - Date: 28 November 2021 Time: 11.30am following the 10am service Food: by Pantry Brighton BYOG: Bring your own wine Cost: $25 per person Families with schoolchildren $65 Music by Dr Calvin Bowman and our choral Lay Clerks
Fr Jan's Christmas Cakes

These very delicious cakes are available whilst stocks last so get them this weekend.
Christmas Cake $35 Gluten-free $40
Avail after each service or by phoning the Parish office 03 9592 1240.

Parish Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held next Saturday 27 November at 11am by Zoom app.
The Annual report will be distributed later this weekend, by email or mail, to those on the Parish Electoral Roll. The Zoom link will also appear on the agenda. If you are unable to use Zoom, then please contact me on 0421321321 and I will make arrangements for you to be able to see it in the Parish Office.
Parish Officebearers for 2021-22
nominations closed Friday 19 November

We are back this week with a contemporary service from the Iona Community,
part of the Episcopal Church of Scotland.
Farmers' Market BBQ

A great day for the Farmer's Market yesterday. Thank you to those who volunteered to assist. We only had three sausages left at the end of the market, which was a terrific effort. The net proceeds will go to the Organ Restoration Fund.
We also sold cakes too so please get your cakes whilst they are in stock (see above)

QR Check in and Proof of vaccination
Please be prepared to show your proof of vaccination each time you attend a service as we have different volunteer check-in marshals each week. The volunteers are only complying with the State Government's regulations and they do not need to be lectured about your personal inconvenience or your views on vaccination restrictions. All of us are obliged to provide this information at every shop, club and venue in Melbourne, or at least we should have to do so. If there are venues which are not complying with the government requirements please let me know so that I can report them, as complying with the every-changing regulations has been quite a burden for all of us, and we don't want the good work of most people to be undermined by slackers.
The quickest way to check in and show proof of vaccinaton is to link your certificate to the Service Victoria app on your phone.
Information on checking in with your phone using QR Codes is available here https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/checking-in-qr-codes If you need help call the Victorian Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 675 398.
Information on how to download your COVID-19 digital certificate and to add it to the Service Victoria app is available here https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/vaxproof#showing-proof-of-vaccination-at-businesses-and-venues
