This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton is the third Sunday after Pentecost, and this week we return to limited worship services on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Yesterday the Premier of Victoria surprised us with news that the number of people permitted at a church service would remain at 20 rather than increase to 50 as we had been expecting. We had not intended to offer services when the limit was only 20 because of the difficulty of ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity of attending, particularly those without internet connections who have to wait until they receive this Vicar’s News in the mail. Some people will inevitably miss out and may be left disappointed.
This 20 people limitation is likely to last until at least the Wednesday 15 July service. Accordingly we will ring those who are registered for our service next Sunday (28 June), in the order of booking, as we are now overbooked. Some may wish to transfer to the Wednesday service where there are still a few places available.
Register for worship services
for any of the services over the next four weeks, Wednesdays @ 11am and Sundays @ 9.30am in any of the following ways:
· register on-line: click here to register for a future service
· ring 03 9592 1240
· ring or SMS 0421 321 321
Video and Zoom services
will continue, though the Zoom bi-lingual service will be at 11am from next Sunday.
Chat with the Vicar
has moved to the new time of Wednesday at 9.30am
Thank you to all those who have given generously to our appeal so far. Rebuilding our finances is an imperative if we are to sustain ministry in Brighton and maintain our facilities. A donation form can be downloaded here.

20人的限制可能至少会持续到7月15日星期三。因此,我们将在下周日(6月28日) 按报名顺序通知后20位报名的会众,如果有人愿意参加星期三的崇拜,可以调节到星期三的崇拜,现在仍然有一些空位。
•电话03 9592 1240
•电话或短信0421 321 321
感谢到目前为止所有慷慨响应我们呼吁的人。如果我们要维持在Brighton的神职人员和我们的设施维护,重建我们的财政是当务之急。捐款表格可在此 点击下载。
