This morning’s gospel is St Mark’s rather short version of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Mark seems more keen on getting Jesus back among people, whereas on Ash Wednesday (video service available here) we heard St Matthew’s version with its details account of the temptations faced by Jesus during his 40 days in the wilderness.
Back to Church
We return to our normal in-church weekend services now, but masks must be worn inside, other than for those reading the lesson or the choir singing the anthem and motet.
Beautiful flowers in the church this weekend donated by the Sher family following the funeral of Ron Sher on Friday. Yes, it is Lent when we don’t usually have flowers, but would be wrong to have wasted them.

Chinese tea tasting & caligraphy
The Lunar New Year was on 12th Feb this year, but our celebration was delayed due to the lockdown. After 10 am service this weekend, our Chinese Congregation will serve the morning tea in the cloister. All parishioners are welcome to have a taste of different Chinese teas with Chinese rice biscuits as part of the celebration of the Lunar Year.
As a Chinese tradition, there will be a Chinese calligrapher, Deshuang Lai, a GBS student’s grandfather, to write the Chinese character “福“ which means blessings and will be handed out to anyone who is interested.
The biscuits ingredients:
Rice (57%), Palm Oil (Antioxidant (Tertiary Butylhydroquinone/319), Sugar, Corn Starch, Glucose, Soy Sauce Powder, Salt, Flavour Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamate621)

Lenten Bible Study
This year the Brighton Covenant Churches are using a study series based on materials prepared by St George’s College in Jerusalem. For St Andrew’s, I will be conducting the studies on-line by Zoom on Thursday mornings from 10-11am), and you can join at 10am here.
Help needed - Refreshments at 10am service
Apart from this Sunday’s special arrangements, refreshments after the 10am service are now possible. Because of Diocesan restrictions on the provision of food served by parishes under the Parish’s COVID-Safe plan, these will be limited, at this stage, to tea, coffee, mineral water or cordial. All the cups will be disposable, so please place your finished cups and napkins in the bins provided in the narthex. Biscuits individually served on napkins (to avoid cross-contamination) will be available too. The refreshments will be provided by the Parish, but we do need to make a roster of people to assist with pouring the tea and coffee. There is a sign-up sheet on the registration table.
Or please ring the Parish Office if you can assist – 03 9592 1240.
This week at St Andrew’s
click here to see our calendar of services and events
