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Vicar's News - 20 November 2022

Christ the King

This is the final week of our liturgical (church) year, and today we have a special feast 'Christ the King'. It celebrates Christ's messianic kingship and sovereign rule over all creation. This truth is and has been underlined and outlined throughout history in gospels, novels, and art, where Jesus Christ is constantly shown at the centre of compositions and is referred to in venerable, regal terms. Initiated in 1925 as a response to the spread of secularism in the modern world, we are reminded of Jesus Christ’s ultimate rule over all creation including humankind, in a modern world that has since come to know anti-religious ideologies such as fascism and communism. Today's celebrations act as a way to ground the human race back to recognition of God and the benevolence of Christ.


Prelude:           Improvisation on ‘Miles Lane’

Hymns:             Processional    All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Gradual           Stand up, stand up for Jesus

Thanksgiving    Onward Christian soldiers

Post Communion Rejoice, the Lord is King

Setting:            Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm:              46; TiS 28

Anthem:           A Prayer of St Columba­ – Cecilia McDowall (b. 1951)

Motet:              A Gaelic Blessing – John Rutter (b. 1945)

Postlude:          Crown Imperial – William Walton (1902-1983), arr. Herbert Murrill


Annual Meeting

Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday after the 10am service. Following coffee in the narthex, those who would like to attend the meeting can make their way back into the church and sit so that you can see the screens which will be used during the meeting for various presentations.


Ordination as Priest

Our Xeverie will be ordained to the Holy Order of Priest next Saturday at St Paul's Cathedral commencing at 10.30am. All are welcome to attend. We wish her every blessing as she goes on retreat prior to the ordination and for the service itself.


St Andrew's Day

Our patronal festival will be held on Sunday 27 November 2022, which is also the first Sunday in the season of Advent leading up to Christmas Day. The 10am service will be Xeverie's first occasion of celebrating Holy Eucharist. She has devised the 10am service and our guest preacher will the The Right Reverend David Farrer. Bishop David was a mentor to Xev during her formation for Holy Orders.

There will be refreshments after the service in the Pioneer Chapel to celebrate both St Andrew and Mthr Xeverie.


It was a delight recently to speak with new parents at St Mary's Pre-School, our outreach location run by a dedicated team of parents and staff. Many thanks to Robyn Greenhalgh, now teachering again, who for many years has been our representative on the committee of the preschool.

On Sunday 11 December at 10am, the pre-schoolers will be visiting us for their Christmas pageant and we look forward to having a special worship service for them, which we haven't had since 2019 due to COVID.


Vale Peter Reith AM

A State Funeral, was held at St Andrew's on Thursday for the former Federal Deputy Prime Minister, Peter Reith AM. A number of politicians of both parties were present. Former Prime Minister John Howard gave one of the eulogies and spoke well of the deceased.

St Andrew's even made it onto the news on Channels 2 & 9.

I am on Phillip Island today (Friday) attending at Peter's burial in the local cemetery, as he had a long association with the island and its penguins.


Members of the Brighton Covenant of Churches are invited to donate cakes or baked goods - the cake stall helps fund the cost of the Animals on the Move for the children to


Plates, bags and labels are available at all services and from the Parish Office (M, W, F 10-3)

Goods for the stall are to be delivered to Bethlehem in Brighton at Trinity Uniting Church on the morning of Saturday December 3.


State Election Voting

Next Saturday is the State government election. There is no polling at St Andrew's this year. The nearest polling places are:

  • Firbank Grammar Junior School - Gate 31, Middle Crescent, Brighton

  • Brighton Primary School - 59 Wilson Street, (access via Male Street), Brighton

For more information on voting options:






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