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Vicar's News - 20 March 2022

In St Matthew and St Mark's gospels, all the trees in the fig orchard were destitute of fruit; but the leafless trees raised no expectation, and caused no disappointment. The trees without leaves represented the Gentiles. They made no boastful pretensions to goodness. They were blind to the works and ways of God. In St Luke's Gospel, Luke replaces the miracle with the parable of the barren fig tree, probably originating from the same body of tradition that lies behind St Mark's version. Jesus and the disciples are traveling to Jerusalem when they hear of the deaths of Galileans, and Jesus gives the events a prophetic interpretation through a parable: a man planted a fig tree expecting it to bear fruit, but despite his visits it remained barren; the owner's patience wore thin, but the gardener pleaded for a little more time; the owner agrees, but the question of whether the tree would bear fruit, i.e. acts that manifest the Kingdom of God, is left hanging. Luke has Jesus end his story with a warning that if the followers do not repent they will perish.


Farewell to the Kings

Last Saturday evening Alice King led the Sat@6 congregation in a service of evening prayer at which she also gave the address in fine style. We thank her for her contribution and their attendance at this service for many years.

On Sunday following the 10am service, there was a morning tea for Dwight and Alice in the Cloister Courtyard, with a symbolic cake (Dwight having been a fighter pilot ). The Kings are now likely to leave for the US in early May.



Today we farewelled Catherine Latte-Smith, a long time parishioner at St Andrew's, with a memorial service as she died last December during COVID restrictions. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.


Choral Evensong

Last Sunday evening we celebrated evensong, serenaded by our three lay clerks joined by Alasdair Stretch. It was a evening of fine singing.


Smile... You're on candid camera

I will be testing our new video equipment at the 10am service on Sunday so that we can adjust the settings for future live streaming of our 10am service - for those unable to attend church and those who are interested in seeing and hearing our fine liturgy and music.


Sacristan appointment

Since the departure of Bruce Clifton, we have not had any assistance in the sacristy, maintaining our sacred vessels and preparing the elements for the weekend services. I am very pleased that Heather Sanderson has agreed to become our Sacristan and we look forward to her valued assistance in fulfilling this important function for the Parish. Heather has retired from working in the Op Shop following over 30 years of volunteer work for which she has our grateful thanks.


BBQ at the market

It was a stunning day for the Farmers; Market today (Saturday) and our barbecue was in full flight. Why not join us next month for a sausage?






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