Quinquagesima - Epiphany 8

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Blind leading the Blind, 1568
Jesus uses this one-sentence mini-parable of a blind person leading another blind person in order to show that following the lead of the Pharisees is equally ill-advised. His point could not be made any more vividly: the highly respected religious leaders, the Pharisees, are not reliable guides at all.
Music for Sunday and Wednesday
Sunday 2 March 10am Choral Eucharist
Prelude: In Paradisum – Henri Mulet (1878-1967)
Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm: 92. 1-5, 12-15 (NPCW)
Anthem: Jodie O’Regan
Motet: Verily, verily I say unto you – Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)
Postlude: 'Allegro con brio' from Sonate IV – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Ash Wednesday 5 March 7pm
Hymns: Processional O for a closer walk with God
Gradual Forty days and forty nights
Post Communion Abide with me
Setting: Christ Church Mass - Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm: 51.1-18 (NPCW)
Anthem: Turn thy face from my sins – Thomas Attwood (1756-1838)
Motet: Hide not thou thy face – Richard Farrant (d.1580)
With sorrow we record the death of Margaret Masters who died on Friday. Her funeral will be held here next week. We extend our sympathies to John and Heather.
May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Kids' Church

Shrove Tuesday

Ash Wednesday

Shule visit
On Thursday evening many of us (120 people from the Bayside Anglican Churches) made a visit to Central Shule in Caulfield South in support of the right of Jewish people to live in peace in Australia. It was a wonderful evening beginning with prayers for the Sabbath, Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by an extensive Shabbat meal. All were most warmly welcomed and enthusiastically thenked for our sign of support. A very worthwhile evening.
The Duigan Centre
The Duigan Centre was officially opened by The Hon. Nick Duigan MLC (Tas) the great nephew of John Robertson Duigan, Australian aviation pioneer, on Thursday evening.

The Vicar Bishop Kate Prowd The Hon. Nick Duigan MLC
with the opening plaque in the background which reads:
The Duigan Centre, a partnership between St Andrew's Anglican Church and Brighton Grammar School, was opened by Nicholas Duigan, great nephew of John Duigan, on 27 February 2025.

No Coffee + Chat
There will be no Coffee + Chat this week due to the Ash Wednesday services.
Lenten Bible Studies

Register - click here.
Prayer for Pope Francis
Of your mercy and as sign of ecumenical support, below is a prayer for Pope Francis in his time of hospitalisation.

