Corpus Christi
or for those afraid of Latin words, 'thanksgiving for Holy Communion'. Instituted by Christ on Maundy Thursday (a busy service with foot or hand-washing), we have a separate day to celebrate this sacrament, and that is this weekend.
Music for Sunday
Prelude: Toccata e Recercar (Fiori Musicale 1635) – Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Hymns: Processional Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Gradual Glory be to Jesus
Thanksgiving Hail, thou source of every blessing
Post Communion All for Jesus!
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 116: 1-5, 12-19 TiS 71
Anthem: Panis angelicus – Claudio Casciolini (1697-1760)
Motet: Let all mortal flesh keep silence NEH 295
Postlude: Lydian Prelude and Fugue – Flor Peeters (1903-1986)
Also this weekend:
SYNOD - Special Meeting
Synod representitives are reminded of a special meeting in the Cathedral tomorrow at 9.30am to pass the 'Professional Standards Uniform Legislation Amendment Bill 2024'.

With much sadness we note the death of our faithful friend,
Frank Sims
May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Frank's funeral will be in the church on Wednesday at 2pm.
Parish Dinner with the Choir

Coffee + Chat - 12 June @ 12 noon

Glen Eira City Choir with Bendigo Chorale
‘…Karl Jenkins' Requiem sets the traditional Latin text of the Requiem mass, …interspersed with haiku "death" poems (sung in Japanese) whose delicate, epigrammatic texts provide a peaceful commentary on the liturgical words.
The result is a deeply moving expression of spirituality, whose musical tying together of different cultures provides a link that is highly appropriate to the modern world….’

