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Vicar's News - 2 July 2023

François-Joseph Navez, The incredulity of St Thomas 1823

St. Thomas is best known for his role in verifying the resurrection of Jesus. Thomas’ unwillingness to believe that the other Apostles had seen their risen Lord on the first Easter Sunday merited for him the title of “doubting Thomas.” Eight days later, on Christ’s second apparition, Thomas was gently rebuked for his scepticism and furnished with the evidence he had demanded – seeing in Christ’s hands the point of the nails and putting his fingers in the place of the nails and his hand into Jesus' side.

At this, St. Thomas became convinced of the truth of the Resurrection and exclaimed: “My Lord and My God,” thus making a public profession of faith in the divinity of Jesus.


Thomas, Apostle and Martyr Sunday 10am Eucharist with a Lay Clerk from the choir

Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)

Psalm: 117; TiS 72 (t100)

Anthem: An Irish Blessing – Trad. Irish, arr. James Moore

Motet: Take my life, and let it be TiS 599(ii)

Prelude: Prelude & Fugue in E minor BWV 533 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns: Processional Jesus lives! your terrors now can no longer

Gradual I know that my redeemer lives

Thanksgiving Now we come our heavenly Father

Recessional Lord of all hopefulness. Lord of all joy

There will be no piano accompaniment at Sat@6, so the hymns will differ from those above.


Organ console blessing

Last Sunday we blessed our refurbished organ consoles now operating with digital controls. Dr Calvin Bowman our Director of Music and Daniel Bittner from Australian Pipe Organs spoke about the upgrade work. Calvin then played a few items showing how the digital upgrade had enhanced the organ's functionality. The transept console can now be moved to positions across the front of the church, enabling it to be positioned for different concerts.


National Comprehensive Anglicanism Network (NCAN)

A new group within the Anglican Church is being established nationally to promote inclusive, generous and open-hearted Anglicanism. They value the rich traditions of Anglicanism, where differences are seen as gifts from God to be valued and treasured. We are committed to respectful conversations, across difference, about matters that are of importance in the Anglican Church of Australia.

They are currently working to publish their website and their first newsletter.

In the meantime, you can email to be placed on their mailing list.

Led by the Rt Reverend Professor Stephen Packard of Canberra Goulburn, the National Committee comprises clergy and lay representatives from Canberra Goulburn, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gippsland, Willochra, Wangaratta, Newcastle, and Sydney (Christ Church St Laurence).

More on this as it becomes established. In the meantime a an article exploring the subject of Anglican identity, written by one of their National Committee members, the Rev'd Dr Luke Hopkins (chaplain at Trinity College Melbourne), and published in this month's 'The Melbourne Anglican'. You can read it here. NCAN hope you'll find this article an encouragement and that it will help you gain more of a sense of NCAN's values and aims.


The Melbourne Anglican - TMA

The July Edition has arrived , so please collect a copy from the narthex bench.







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