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Vicar's News - 19 September 2021

(available from Sunday morning)

Spring is coming, and so was our Bishop

Spring will formally be with us next week on 22 September. Bishop Paul Barker was to be with us this weekend for a confirmation and reception service but the COVID restrictions had other ideas. However, he did record his weekly sermon here and sent us a special message in lieu. He is preaching in our Eucharist service this week - view here.



Alf Hancock of South Road, former mayor of Ballarat, has died and his funeral will be held in the church this week. Our sincere condolences to Judy and their children.

Mary Tuck, most recently of Arcare, has died.

Dr Clarry Jones, most recently of St Kilda St, has died and was buried on Tuesday.

Warwick Andrews, a former parishioner from Hanby St, has also died.

May they both rest in peace and rise in glory.


Reopening & Vaccinations

Just a reminder that when the church reopens, you must be fully vaccinated to attend. We plan to re-open when we can have up to 50 people in church so as to limit the necessity for the congregations to book in advance, (other than for the 10am service), but we do not as yet know when this will be so there is time to ensure you have had your second vax jab.


Diary Dates

In anticipation of restrictions being lifted for the fully vaccinated, we commend the following items for your d diary:

Farmers Market - at the market on 20 November market we plan to have a barbecue stall near the front steps and goods stall in the cloister near the market entrance from the carpark.

Annual Meeting - we will probably have our annual meeting by Zoom app again depending on how many people are permitted in the church at that time. Pencil in Saturday 27 November, and details will follow closer to the date.

St Andrew's Day - we are planning a catered lunch in the cloister courtyard on Sunday 28 November following the 10am service.

Concert - Friday 25 February 2022


Join us on Sunday morning at 9am (using the Zoom app) - click here




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