Corpus Christi
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi - 'the body of Christ'- at which we give thanks for the institution of the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. Although its anniversary is on Maundy `Thursday, the church felt that its importance warranted a separate celebration out of the confines of the activity of Holy Week.

The Feast of Corpus Christi at St. Peter’s Eastern Hill was celebrated on Thursday evening . Fr Ian Morrison (St Andrew's Brighton) celebrating benediction and the Mass (again) with Fr Greg Seach (St George's Malvern) preaching, Fr Alex Ross (St John's Malvern East) deaconing, and Bishop David Farrer presiding. It was a great celebration of inter-parish engagement within wider Melbourne, with servers, clergy and parishioners from St Peter's Eastern Hill, St Andrew's Brighton, St John's Malvern East, St Stephen's Anglican Congregation Werribee, and All Saint's Kooyong. Definitely an interactive event with lots of incense and dried petals landing on everyone's heads after being launched by the Choir from the balcony. A number of our own servers can be seen in the photos, carrying the canopy over my head as we processed to the wayside cross and on to and through Parliament Gardens. Thank you to Johan and Fr John Raike (St Philip's Collingwood) for the photos.
Baptism, funerals, burials and interments
Sadly it has been a busy week, with five funerals, plus a burial and an interment of ashes in the Garden of Remembrance. In particular we farewelled our own Douglas Meagher on Thursday and Margaret Hanlon on Friday. Thank you to everyone who assisted in this very busy week. On a happy note, we also had a baptism.
Safe Ministry Training
For those whom I have asked to undertake on-line training, please let me have your certificates of completion as I have to send off the completed schedule of training to the Diocesan registry on Monday.
Farmers' Market barbeque

Everyone enjoyed our sausages at the barbecue today, even the dogs. Thank you to those who assisted with the sausage sizzle.
