Tacuina sanitatis (XIV century)
This Sunday at St Andrew’s Brighton is the seventh Sunday after Pentecost – and our Gospel reading is the parable of the good seed and the weeds, a parable that Jesus explains to his disciples and ends with ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’ for some.
No church services this week, other than the funeral of Joyce Cummings last Monday.
Although the church building is closed, church continues at St Andrew’s and you can participate at home in the activities listed on our website: At Home @ St Andrews,
including joining in a social chat on-line or by phone:

Communion packs are available to participate in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist during our video and Zoom services on Sundays. Click here or call 0421 321 321 for immediate delivery.
Study groups meet on-line on Thursday at 10am (English) and Friday at 7.30pm (Chinese). See At Home @ St Andrews for the links to join in.

Wednesday saw the re-opening of the Op Shop with champagne all round and a very successful two days of trading. The Op Shop will be open on Wednesdays & Thursdays 10am - 4pm, COVID-19 restrictions permitting.
On Thursday I concelebrated at a funeral in Benalla for a former Vicar’s warden of mine. It was a beautiful early morning drive up through Yea, with only one police checkpoint on the way.

Saturday saw the Farmer’s Market return and a cool but sunny day drew many out to get their fresh food supplies.

这个周日是五旬节之后的第七个主日– 我们的福音书是关于麦子和稗子的比喻。耶稣为门徒解释了这个比喻,并以一切跌倒的人必要“哀哭和切齿”为结尾。
除了上周一Joyce Cummings举行的乔伊斯·卡明斯的葬礼外,本周教堂没有任何礼拜。
周三,我们的二手Op商店正式开业,生意很好。 商店营业时间为每周三和周四上午10点至下午4点营业。
尽管教堂不得不关闭,但教会事工仍然进行,您可以点击At Home @ St Andrews,在家参加我们的各项事工。包括在线或通过电话加入社交聊天:

教会可以提供您在周日的视频和Zoom崇拜期间的庆祝圣餐礼的圣餐包,需要者可以单击此处或致电0421 321 321。
圣经学习小组于周四上午10点(英语)和周五下午7.30pm(中文)举行。 加入链接,请点击At Home @ St Andrews。
