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Vicar's News - 19 January 2025

Wedding at Cana window, Pioneer Chapel, St Andrew's Brighton
Wedding at Cana window, Pioneer Chapel, St Andrew's Brighton

Epiphany 2 - The wedding at Cana

There is a very intriguing story, unique to the Gospel of John, about a wedding attended by Jesus and his disciples at the Galilean village of Cana. Within the Gospel of John, this story is the “first” of seven signs, the “water into wine” story. It is part of an earlier written narrative that scholars call the Signs Source, now embedded in the Gospel of John much like the Q source is embedded in the gospels of Ss Matthew and Luke. Many scholars consider the Signs Source to be our most primitive gospel narrative, earlier than, and independent from, the Gospel of Mark.

Mary seems to be at some level officially involved in the celebration as a kind of co-hostess since she takes charge of things when the wine planned for the occasion, unexpectedly runs out, indicating either that the crowd was larger than expected or that things became quite festive, or both. Mary turns to Jesus — he miraculously turns six stone vessels, filled initially with water, into the finest wine.

One of the stone vessels at the site of the wedding in the town of Cana
One of the stone vessels at the site of the wedding in the town of Cana
Sunday's service will be at 9.30am

Music on Sunday


Prelude: Vom Himmel hoch Opus 65, Sigfrid Karg—Elert (1877-1933)

Hymns: Processional Hail to the Lord’s anointed

Gradual The God of Abraham praise

Thanksgiving At the Lamb’s high feast we sing

Post Communion The church’s one foundation

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 36:5-10 NPCW

Anthem: Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness

Motet: The heavenly Word proceeding forth

Postlude: Lobe den Herren, o meine Seele Opus 65 – Sigfrid Karg—Elert


Musical chairs

I am very pleased to advise that, from 1 February, Dr Mario Dobernig will assume the role of Director of Music at St Andrew's, while Dr Calvin Bowman will adopt the title of Parish Organist, the role he originally applied for in 2019. Both musicians have brought a wealth of talent to our music department and I look forward to many happy years working with them in these new positions.


Australia Day @ 9.30am

There will be a special service celebrating Australia next Sunday, with a unique liturgy and music drawn from Australian composers and liturgists, including some special videos. The service will begin with the congregation spread along the new cloister - The Vicars' Walk - and the clergy in the new courtyard which will be blessed and named 'St Andrew's Eastern Courtyard' - so as not to confuse it with the existing courtyard and cloister on the western side of the church. This is an opportunity to enjoy a special tribute to Australia, its unique attributes and our multicultural way of life. See you there.


Farmers' Market

Our first Farmers' Market for the year is on Saturday 18 January. Stock up on wonderful produce and come for a sausage at our BBQ stall. I look forward to seeing you there.


Parish Council

A reminder that Parish Council meets on Tuesday 21 January at 7.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room, or on Zoom (link on the agenda).


Parish activities

All our parish groups return in February:

• Kids Church (2 February)

• Lectio Divina (3 February)

• English Conversation Group (4 February)

• Coffee + Chat (5 February)

• Chinese Morning Prayer (6 February)

• Choral evensong (8 February)


New Bible Study group


Kids' Church is back in February

11.30am on the first Sunday of the month during term

Lunar New Year celebration

There has been a lot of rehearsing around the church since New Year, so it should be a great event. Please join us for this celebration in the church grounds.





©2025 St Andrew's Brighton

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