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Vicar's News - 19 February 2023

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

Transfiguration of Christ

This Sunday we celebrate the transfiguration of Christ, seen above with Moses and Elijah.

How have we been transformed by our Christian faith?


Synod Representatives

The upcoming Synod in October 2023 will influence the future of the Melbourne Diocese for generations to come. Once the balance in Synod is lost, our Diocese will go the way of that in Sydney where strict conformity of thought is required of clergy and their congregations.

This new Synod, during its three-year life, will elect the next Archbishop from nominations made by a Board to be elected at Synod this year. If Synod fails in the election of the next Archbishop, it may fall to the Board to elect. The Synod this year will also elect those who will serve on the Committees of the Diocese, where much of the culture of our church is debated and formed. The elections at Synod this year will be critical.

And more than this, Synod is the only forum in which the deep concerns of all the people of God in this Diocese can be expressed and heard. We all know there are many challenges before us in the church these days. It is easy to be despondent as louder voices seek to capture the church and stifle the diversity which has been the mark of this Diocese since our founding.

The Archbishop has issued a mandate for St Andrew's to elect 3 Lay Synod Representatives plus one Alternate. Xeverie and I are also representative at Synod. A Nomination form can be downloaded here. Nominations will close on 15 March 2023, and an election, if necessary, will be arranged thereafter.

Please prayfully consider whether you can serve in this role. The future depends on us.


Farmers' Market

This weekend we have our Farmer's Market on site on Saturday 8.30am - 1pm.

Mark from SOS is returning with certified biodynamic carrots beetroot cucumber zuchini tomatoes rocket and lettuce.

Somerset Heritage are back and fully operational after the floods & Faranda Farm are also loaded up with summer vegies.

Bellarine Hydro will have their delicious cherry and heritage tomatoes.

Charith from Island Home will have his incredibly popular Sri Lankan meals (get in early).

Fairview Hill will have fresh raspberries blackberries blueberries & strawberries.

John Howell will have stacks of new season apples and plums.

There will be pate from Mario, cheese from Blue Bay, fresh fish from Cripps, sourdough rolls from Elwood Sourdough and much more, so come on down and stock up on fresh Victorian seasonal produce.

And, of course, the St Andrew's sausage sizzle.

Also on Saturday, there is a geogaming event in brighton between 9am -2pm. The theme is Alice in Wonderland. People dress up in that theme, and use their phones to locate caches at which they can watch videos and games. We are not aware of any items located on our grounds, but you may see players rating the market. Hopefully they will buy something whilst here.


No Lectio Divina this Monday

Xeverie returns on Monday but not in time to run Lectio, so the first meditation for the year will be on 27 January.


Fasting in Lent

Traditionally we fast (give up some favourite food items) during the church season of Lent. Here are some alternate things we might give up:


Easter gifts

Looking for a delightful Easter gift? Adrienne Silva has made these beautiful hearts-shaped bags containing a Lindt chocolate bunny. She will have them on sale on Palm Sunday for $5 each, proceeds to the Parish. how thoughtful and 'crafty' of her.





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