Adam Brenner, Christ calls his first disciples, 1839
with the choir basses and tenors
Come at 9.45am and we will sing through the new 'St Andrew's Mass' by Tim Mallis
Hymns: Processional All my hope on God is founded
Gradual O thou who camest from above
Thanksgiving Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
Post Communion Love divine, all loves excelling
Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)
Psalm: 116: 12-17
Anthem: Sent by the Lord am I – Trad. arr. Geoff Weaver
Motet: A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester – L.J. White (1910-1970)
Postlude: Praeambulum ex G, LübWV 9 – Vincent Lübeck (1654-1740)
Blessing of the upgraded organ consoles
We have delayed our short blessing and recital until nest Sunday at 11.30am, as a few bits and pieces are still to arrive from England for our transept console. That console was upgraded through the generosity of Alice and Dwight King, and an appropriate plaque will be displayed noting their generous contribution.
Tree damage
A large branch of a gum tree fell on Friday, narrowly missing pedestrians and a couple who had just parked their car in Church Street. It did not miss their car, however.

The SES removed the tree branch onto our land and an arborist will be inspecting the trees on Tuesday. ~In the meantime I suggest that you avoid the area which has been cordoned off on the Church Street frontage.
St Andrews Street closure
St Andrew's Street will be closed adjacent to the new development (between Lindsay St and the Church Street roundabout) on Tuesday between 6.30am and 7pm, whilst a crane for the construction of the new building is erected on the building site.
Eucharistic assistants
Last Sunday we took a straw poll at each service to see how many people would like to return to receiving wine from the chalice at our Eucharist services. Given the continuing threat of COVID, there was little to no interest at the Sunday services, but Sat@6 seemed undeterred. Accordingly this week will have a sign-up sheet for Eucharistic Assistants for Sat@6 and we will re-instate the chalice at next week's Sat@6 service. Receiving from the chalice is an individual decision and communion in one kind (the bread) is still full communion with Christ.
Parish dinner with the choir
Booking close on Sun day evening so we can organise the seating plan for our Parish Dinner on Wednesday evening at 5.30pm at Pantry. I hope you have all booked in. If you wish to be seated with particular guests, please let me know.

Baptism and Dragon Boat festival
On Thursday we welcome Jia Ru into the Church of God through the sacrament of Holy Baptism.
It was a double celebration on Thursday as we also celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival,
commemorate the death of the Chinese poet Qu Yuan, who died in the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States period (475–221BC), a bloody time when the different provinces of modern-day China fought endlessly against each other. Dragon Boat Races are held in traditional paddled longboats, each ornamented with a dragon's head at the front of the boat. The races are a symbol of how the local people attempted to recover the body of Qu Yuan. The tradition of racing boats and dropping rice into the river continues today in China.

It was too cold for racing boats this week in Brighton, but we did have festivities in our small hall and were joined by a wider group of Chinese parents, arranged by Xeverie and Maggie Lynch from Brighton Grammar's International Parents Support Group. We thank Maggie for her kind words about the link between St Andrew's and BGS.
